Hashivalisesonyishecho wrote:
I wish I would be able to know that I am in the right place here. I still don't know it. I don't know if this will help me get my life together. I don't know if I am of the material that could be helped here and I don't know if my issue are such that are addressed here. You say I'm on a journey and there's a long road but I don't know if I'm on a road at all. I'm simply lost. The idea that I can ever function again is like a distant fantasy. There is so much talent being wasted. It's a tragedy. I've been hoping and trying for years to get my life together and at this point I don't see how. Hashem can fix me. The question is does he want to?
Dear Hashivah, sorry for being so blunt, right in the beginning of your thread we discussed already some of this, you are continuously mentioning YOUR achieving and YOUR underachievement, if YOU could ever function again and so much of YOUR talent wasted etc. etc....., what's the source of all this? who are we at all? we expect from ourselves perfectionism why? and if we don't achieve it we fall in despair why? we would like to think its some holiness so why then do we become sad from it?
YES its G-D's given gift to you that you came to GYE to realize who you are and what you are, no different than many others (addict or non-addict) who struggle with all the schmutz of the world each in his own way, that's why one of the major steps is to admit and to open up, why is it so hard to do it? its our ego the GAAVAH that doesn't let us realize that we are simply nothing, we are totally powerless over this (and any other thing).
Like we understand that breathing is from HASHEM if not for him we wouldn't get up in the morning, so do we have to fully realize that anything and everything is HASHEM, all the Nisyonos
and the achievements are from him, all our failures
and our good deeds we attribute to HIM, we cling to him for our dear life and sanity and we ask him to remove all obstacles and hardships along the way, and beg he should lighten up the recovery process so we could see his Rachamin and Chasadim always.
No easy task but that's the whole life, now go learn! I've only started and hope to get there eventually and so will you IY"H.