Snapping out of an addictive pattern is rough, which is why it takes so much time (could be years) and effort for so many of us until we reach out, and BEGIN the recovery process. Same with every fall. (So to say 'once I had the tools it was easy', well, if I'm comfortable in the sewer, the whole struggle is simply to decide to reach out for the ladder.) But once I start, there's also the initial excitement of growth that comes along with it, as is my experience, and as much of this forum attests to. ie. 'I'm clean for 10 days. I can do it. Feels amazing. I don't consider myself an addict. Being clean feels great.' Yeah, I'm sure you do feel good. After all, you just climbed out of the dirty sewer and took a good shower!
But then come the wishy washy times, when my yetzer hara keeps teasing me to 'just slip once', 'just take a peek into the sewer, don't worry, you're strong, you won't slip and fall all the way in until you're filthy'.
That's when many of us realize that if just staying on ground level, just keeping myself from climbing down into the filthy sewer is such a difficult, intense nisayon, then maybe there IS an addictive element to this struggle of mine.
And that's where I, along with so many of us here stand. Learning to appreciate and be thankful just for being on ground level. For not being stuck down in the sewer. And investing all my energy just not to fall.
The rest of the hashkafa debates and advice about continuing to grow in other areas as a way to stay clean is nice advice and nice ideas.
But I very much appreciate where the guys who say 'too much thinking', 'one day at a time' 'don't mix religion with recovery' are coming from. Essentially, what they're expressing is that I can grow way above 'ground level' in many areas, keep myself busy, even reach madreigos in certain areas where I'm mamish a יעלה בהר השם!
But when the nisyonos of lust DO pop in, and shake my belief in myself by questioning all that I stand for, when I, maybe a baal madreiga in other areas, have to reach out and beg for help, crying 'I wanna to climb into the sewer', 'I wanna ruin my future', at THAT point what seems to work for many is remembering that I AM sick, and in this area of avodas Hashem I ain't high up on no mountain. Only a sicko will have such an urge to keep running to swim in the filth, risking losing everything. Using all the 'simple' 12 step tools I can get my hands on to stay strong in this moment is what's needed now.
I'm sure we all agree that those who are clean for a substantial period don't think it would be easier to fall once a day and get up! Hence, 'easier to be clean than get clean' (easier, not easy).
So although there might not be the asey tov aspects of יעלה OR יקום, there is certainly the concept of feeling the growth by סור מרע more when we start out on our journey. Taking the shower. The more subtle battles can in ways be harder. But not as hard as if we'd keep having to start at the bottom again.
'כל התחלות קשות'.
Then why is the first week of the zman, why is the first two blatt of the new masechta so geshmak? The baalei mussar say 'because you didn't start yet'.
When the initial momentum and excitement of coming clean from a fall (whether 1 day or 10 years) fades away, and I'm confused, struck with this feeling of 'what's wrong with me, why can't I just move on? I wanna drive an airplane, am I gonna have be on this tricycle my whole life?' That's when I need to tell myself the hard truth:
Welcome to the big leagues- welcome to recovery!