Not an exciting story. Just wearing my emotions on a hidden sleeve.
After failing to get a job in my industry, I became frustrated with myself and even though the economy was lousy, I blamed myself.
I tried to have extra faith but that made me more disappointed when things didn't get better with the jobs or with relationships. Dating knocked me down a peg or two and I hit some low points in which minor depression made me feel like an absolute loser.
That is when I began acting out to the point that I felt I needed to stop. It doesn't make me feel less lonely or better. What it relieves from stress, it increases either in guilt, loneliness, or lethargic feelings.
It gets to the point where acting out is a way to confirm that I am not married, lonely, & not in a meaning relationship (as if I'd want one with someone willing to display themselves for money and no self-respect. Yes, Judging them
This world can be very lonely and when you feel lonely and you have low self esteem, the internet can ruin your life. Or any other addiction. I have an addictive nature and if I'm not trying to destroy my esteem with the internet, I'm trying to destroy my reputation with gambling or destroy my confidence with depression.
I have seen positives and it is a long journey. There are no cheat code shortcuts; which I would gladly take if available to me.
My income is low, which makes me insecure with dating, which allows me to follow bad habits (gamble, internet, depression) which demotivates me because of the lack of control and allows me to be idle or leads to the other bad habits. Nasty cycles.
I have hobbies but I am rarely motivated to do them. All talents take effort but the internet is easy. No effort at all and minimal rewards for it. Just as a casino does not have clocks or has an ATM every 1000 feet, the internet allows for easy access to mess up with free access to anything. Society often commends the behavior but they cannot deny the negative effects acting out has on people. I've read several studies about internet drying up confidence, destroying intimacy in relationships, and giving people unrealistic expectations of looks and self image.
These days, I am trying to set short term goals and follow through with them. I either expect perfection or constant failure but I will work on it and try my best...eventually. Sometimes my best is just thinking about it. That's a start.