Yes, I agree that I am powerless, i agreed on that along time ago, but now i realize that this is the problem, here is my loophole, i am powerless fighting my addiction myself.
Introducing myself will be very difficult for me, I am living a real double standard. On one hand i am considered a very chushive yingerman, in my community a lot of people are using me for a roll model of a very normal successful individual. I am learning well, davening well, getting along with people very well, bottom line is a young man with a bright future of growing to be a great asset to the community.
But here is the problem, no one knows what really goes on here. No one means no one, only the one and only knows by broken heart, how destroyed I am deep inside me.
I borech Hashem have a great family. my wife is a real tznieh, she would do anything to make another yid have a better day, cook supper for others, send breakfast to a neighbor etc., I have beautiful kinderlich, healthy, smart, good and cute, I thank Hashem everyday on that.
Having a good job is another piece of gold one side of my resume. I always had parnussah, today I am in a well established position in a great company with a nice salary, so nothing to complain about.
The problem is I am an addict. I cannot help myself when it comes to Kedushe, I am this way since I was a 13YO buy.
I always hoped to fix things after my Chsuneh, but nothing happened!
When I got to know for the first time what internet is all about, I didn't know that a new disaster will take me on for the next few years.
I always had a good filter, but the will of seeing was greater and I always got around.
Fast forward a few years: I had many many falls, I was broken and broken again and again, and everything in my heart, I never shared my problems with anyone else. My rebbe never asked me directly so I never had a chance to open myself to him, so here I am, a successful individual broken between 2 worlds!
A world of a life of torah vmitzves and a world of getting more and more pictures and videos into my brain, something that comes up whenever I try to learn or Daven!
Last week on Thursday I decided: enough is enough! I cannot continue living this way! I cherish the lifestyle of an ehrliche yid and I want to continue this lifestyle, but I cannot be ripped apart in myself, it has to stop.
Therefore i enrolled in the 90 days program, and I hope to get involved with the 12 step program, so I can free myself once and for all of the impure elements that continued to join my brain.
here I am holy brothers, I am outstretching a helpless hand to you and with tears in my eyes I am asking you: please help me save my life; please help me save a beautiful family; please help me raise my kids to be proud soldiers in the army of hashem.
Join my in my journey of getting pure, help me with your chizuck and inspiration and the zechus will be yours!
I hope to share my simche with you very soon,
PS: Sorry for my English, it not that good.