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TOPIC: My story 804 Views

My story 22 Aug 2013 21:32 #216885

  • zohar
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Hello i am 30 years old and i learn tora half a day in kollel and this is the first time I am speaking of this to anybody in my hole life , I hope you will understand my story and be able to help me get out of this.

I grew up in a semi religious house , and I was in a mixed Jewish school , I got very addicted to Nintendo and computer games since 8 years old until 17 years old I stayed awake all the night till 3-4am playing and playing
And there I got the addiction to porn and מוציא זרע לבטלה almost every day I got engaged in this sin I couldn't stop it , somehow in the last years of school I stopped playing and doing this sin
And when I finish school I went a month to travel all Europe there I visited a nudist beach and right away I felt that I had fallen to deepest I could reach I felt very very bad for all the sins so I went to a yeshiva in Israel and started learning גמרא for the first time of my life , this was like תחיית המתים for me really, I went a total change and complete teshuba then I went to a yeshiva in united states and learned there like 3 years , I was about the most מתמידים בישיבה I learnt all the time finished all the מסכתות, שיעורים בעיון חזרות I even got the highest scores on the bekius bechina I came to my country got married to a girl from a very frum family , and learned in the kollel all day ....
Until I felt that I needed a change and I was getting tired of learning all day so I left kollel and opened a store and continued learning half a day
It is now 3 years since I left kollel and after the first months I left I started playing again games in my spare time , I had tons of trouble with my wife fort that until one day she told me :
Listen my dear you have an addiction to gaming
And she was right but what I didn't tell her was that I had fallen also again to the sin of Internet porn...
I started doing the sin again I felt terribly bad and then after two weeks I fall again and clean and then fall again and so on since the past two years... I am so ashamed of this hiding of myself that I can't continue living like that, now it's two weeks before rosh hashana i will open this very intimate dark secret of me and I figured out you might be able to help me, just today before going to kollel to learn second Seder I discovered that even tough I have my iPhone with restrictions ,(everything is restricted safari App Store and all) I can still acces the Internet in a roundabout way, so there again I erased all the apps that had his weak point , but still until now I keep falling over and over each time I somehow get a different acces to the web and fall again

Each time I fall I tell myself now I have everything locked so even if I feel the addiction drive to do the sin I will not fall, but I keep falling

I figured out after long long thinking that the only cure against the יצר הרע is tora
Learning tora with התמדה in all my spare time be it Friday afternoon Saturday night or Sunday and every night when getting home ...but.... I can't go back to my original התמדה בישיבה and I want it so desperately .. I would go and ask advice from the rosh Kolel if not that I am very embarrassed of my sins ....
I also went trough the web page of you and tried working with the tools but still I need personal help , someone I can be in touch every day once a day , to share this great burden I have in me..
Please could you help me??
Last Edit: 22 Aug 2013 23:13 by ZemirosShabbos. Reason: removed iphone internet workaround

Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 22:44 #216896

  • skeptical
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Welcome to GYE, Zohar!

We're all in the same boat here and we can all relate to your story to some extent or another.

so there again I erased all the apps that had his weak point , but still until now I keep falling over and over each time I somehow get a different acces to the web and fall again

Each time I fall I tell myself now I have everything locked so even if I feel the addiction drive to do the sin I will not fall, but I keep falling

We can put all the locks in the world on the chest that is the internet, and we can share the burden with all the people we can find to help support us, but ultimately, we must really come to the realization that 1) we just can't live the way we are currently leaving without self-destructing, and 2) give up the "right" to find ways to let it back in.

Once you truly feel that you're ready to move forward without looking back, the filters and support will help you. Otherwise, you will find ways around the tools that would otherwise help.


Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 22:51 #216899

  • inastruggle
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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Hi, welcome to gye.

I personally wouldn't be a good partner for you because we have a totally different set of circumstances but I'm sure you'll find the help you need here.

You wrote that the only cure against the yetzer is torah. The usual attitude around here is that if torah and yiras shamyim works then most of us wouldn't be here.We can sit and shteig in yeshiva all day and then at night go online and...

It's like a double life in which in one of them we are ehrlicheh yiddin and the other people who can't control themselves.It isn't a stirah, we can be erhlicheh yiddin, but in this area an addict doesn't have much of a chance until he learns the right tools and attitude.

Baruch hashem you came to the right place to learn them.

Hatzlacha and enjoy the ride.

Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 22:56 #216901

  • zohar
  • Fresh Boarder
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what i think its that if i get my mind busy engaged by learning tora all of my free time, so maybe i will have no spare time to start thinking about these things, what do you think, is it a good idea? or just a dream?

Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 22:58 #216902

Hi there. Since I was a kid I struggled mightily with these sins up until recently, about 25 years in total. As of the last 2 years of so, I bh was privileged to have my eyes opened to the following, via having the merit of acquiring certain mentors who taught me some of the path of what it means to be a jew, which in turn has turned my life around for the better in all areas, including this one. It has diminished the struggle tremendously.
I was taught, that what we experience in our lives, in all circumstances, is not a battle, or struggle, or anything that has ANY negative connotatation, ever. It is rather pure love from god which manifests itslef into the form of the so called struggle etc. The "struggle" is in its deeper form- the softest of caresses and loving pats on our cheeks from our dad -as its there to help us achieve and acquire the best feeling in the world, being close to our sanity, our true selves, our soul, and the source of our soul, our dad.

So instead of thinking - how am I going to beat this thing(which is how lots of people think including myself), which of course is an extremely hard and at times quite painful road to travel on, one that is fraught with "failure"-
instead, turns into the exact opposite sort of thought - i.e.- I am so freaking lucky that I have this wonderful oppurtunity to be selfless,cleave to my creator, feel the very best of closeness to my truest self,etc. and only the very best of thoughts that we can conjure up, and multiply that infinitely.
This thought turns us from fighting mode - to one of an embracing mode. From worry mode - to a calm and loving mode. The struggle ceases to be felt as a struggle, but rather feels like what it really truly is underneath the visible exterior. A lovely and heart warming gift from our dad to us.This shatters the intensity of the so called battle.As its all a masquerade. A sham, for our benefit. It now turns into something that is not trying to tear us down, but lifts us up, and thats how we manuever much more effortlessly and successfully. We are not swimming upstream anymore(which is exhausting - and is not that successful at times), but with the currents and one of a pleasant sensation.
The baal shem tov was the emissary from our loving father to reveal to us this most vital and crucial foundation of what our tools will be , with which hashem knew that we will be empowered to fulfill our mission. That tool is - ahava, reciproval love to the highest levels that we can humanly attain. The only tool that we need to accomplish it all.That is the only thought we need to think. Nothing else. Its as simple as can be. This secret method, is the method that works, because it was prescribed by the best psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist/Dr./Rabbi and most experienced. The one that created the "struggle" with its remedy - our dad.
He told this secret to the Baal shem, and this is the tool that for the past 200 plus years or so, has saved hundreds of thousands of jews in all their "struggles", including lusting etc.
Hashem via the baal shem tov, doesnt need our proving it to ourselves or others that the method works.That being said, if I would hypothetically need to reassure myself or others that it actually is effective, I would have my own experience to relay. If and when we encounter any jew, we are to share with him this most precious and life saving Torah. If chas vsholom a yid still feels like its not working for him, we know that that too is for his benefit, that he should feel like hes still struggling for whatever time span, because our dad has dictated it so.Simultaneously, of coures we are to try all methods at our disposal into helping out. Its simultaneous at all times.

Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 23:01 #216903

  • tryingtoshteig
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Zohar wrote:
what i think its that if i get my mind busy engaged by learning tora all of my free time, so maybe i will have no spare time to start thinking about these things, what do you think, is it a good idea? or just a dream?
I would say, if that works for you, and you are able to keep your mind on your learning, kol hakavod! But if you try it and it doesn't work, and your mind still wanders off while you are trying to learn, then (1) you are not the only one with this problem, and (2) there are plenty of other ideas that the chevra here can share with you.

"ויעזור ויגן ויושיע לכל החוסים בו ונאמר אמן" -- ArtScroll Gabbai's Handbook
Last Edit: 22 Aug 2013 23:02 by tryingtoshteig.

Re: My story 22 Aug 2013 23:50 #216915

  • cordnoy
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Welcome Zohar
I agree with Shteiger.
It would be very nice if we could all immerse ourselves into the wellsprings of Torah all day and all night.
The problem for most of us is that we cannot.

There will not be anybody here that will tell you not to learn every spare minute you have, but that will not be the practical advice.

Stick around here; listen to people. You mention you would like to talk to someone. That is important. Find someone safe that you can share your secrets with.
That itself will help.

Realize that we are all in this together, and even all of us cannot do it as a group. God will be there to lift us out of the mud.

It should be b'hatzlachah
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My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"

Last Edit: 22 Aug 2013 23:51 by cordnoy.

Re: My story 23 Aug 2013 22:52 #217064

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
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  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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L'aniyus daati, aside from learning all day being impractical for most of us (if it's practical for you then go for it), it also wouldn't actually solve the problem.It would solve all the symptoms, that is acting out, but many times there are underlying causes that are behind the acting out (stress anger frustration etc.) and thinking in learning wouldn't actually solve them it would just be a band-aid.

Re: My story 23 Aug 2013 23:10 #217067

  • gibbor120
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WELCOME! It's nice to have you with us! Please keep sharing your struggles with us, both the good and not so good.

Re: My story 23 Aug 2013 23:39 #217072

  • AlexEliezer
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I'm no expert, but from being around here a while and talking to some of the guys, after reading your post, it sounds like you're pretty severely addicted. It also sounds like you really want and need to stop -- that you can't go on like this. If you're unable to apply the principles you're reading about here and start seeing success, consider joining a live SA group near your home. Initially you can tell your wife that it's about your gaming addiction.

Re: My story 06 Dec 2015 06:43 #270542

  • cordnoy
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Hey Zohar,

How are things now?
I sent you an email as well.
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: My story 09 Dec 2015 09:39 #270828

Hi Zohar,

Wow!! Your story blows me away! It reinforces the severity of this problem. You being a baal teshuva, making a 360 degree turnaround in life and still this addiction can stick around. It has been a while, and I hope by now, over 2 years since you first posted your story, you found a solution or at least some relief from this problem. I am no guru nor do I have lots of time under my belt managing my sex addiction.

However, even the little I have seen, and after reading your story, it sounds like you may be an addict. The remedy for addiction, is not the same as for the yetzer hora. Hashem says "I created a Yetzer Hora and created the Tora, the remedy". The Rambam is known for saying that thoughts of sin only rest in a heart empty of chochma - tora. Unfortunately I don't think a remedy was yet discovered against addiction. What a lot of people found was that the 12 steps and specifically the SA program are good management tools for this addiction.
Last Edit: 09 Dec 2015 09:57 by tl123anonymous.
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