Hello ToldotAharon, nice to meet you! Welcome to GYE!
Just wondering, what do you mean when you say you are "fully working on my recovery"? What measures have you taken? How succesful has your recovery been so far? What has worked or not worked for you?
I like your vort, but the truth is it makes me a little nervous. I don't know you, so I can only speak for myself. When faced with the thought of a head-on wrestling match with the yeizer hara, I am no Yaakov Avinu! If I know what's good for me, I would run for my life (and daven that I have the strength to outrun the yeitzer hara). If I try to face the yeitzer hara head-on, I am toast!
The truth is, I am still struggling to connect the dots between the moshol and the nimshal. What does it mean to "fight" the yeitzer? To sit in front of the computer with the name of a dirty site already typed in to the address bar, and then grit my teeth and say "I can't do this to myself" and close the window? Is that what it means? What does it mean to "run away" from the yeitzer? It could mean physically picking up and changing location, which is certainly a godd eitzah when it is feasible, but is that the only way? At what point to we pick up and retreat from the battle? Before it starts or in the middle of the fight?
These questions are not really directed at you, they are just things that I have been thinking about, but since your post brought up the concept of "fighting" I thought this may be relevant. In case I did not make it clear, I don't have definitive answers to these questions.
Anyways, welcome to the club. You will certainly find a lot of people in similar situations to your own. Post your story, and everyone will grow together.