Firstly to say that this short article really makes sense to me and is related to explaining my porn addiction.
It is by Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsberg, and talks abut how the Yetzer HaRa affects us.
Thanks again for all the advice.
I have been free for a day, so aiming to make that work forever.
Ploni - I am not suffering from low self esteem, but I do get lonely and want more out of life.
Alex - Yes, I do want more social life and more out of life. Real happiness.
And I too have not looked at porn labelled "Jewish", also my "Pervert Code of Honour!".
SIB - I am single, but thank you. I do have a therapist, but cannot afford to see them too often.
Chesky - Thank you.
Dr. Watson - HALT sounds so true. I must be aware of it.