I'll mention the preciousness of my own pain in a minute, be"H, but first:
The way I see it is that I chose to run after sweet porn because it was my pacifier, my true trusted buddy to make me feel 'things are OK' - my sha'ashuim. This was chosen by me as a teenager and continued into my adulthood getting far worse after marriage, of course. But my choices are my own, my responsibility. Not Hashem's.
I am an addict, and believe that I would have been challenged in some other way no matter what. If not for putting my trust in sex with myself and porn goddesses, I would have put it in obsessive Torah learning, alcohol, raging fits, or power. Maybe I would be stam another mental case in an asylum - but I found my niche in porn and fantasy, that's all. For I am doomed to be something like an addict - as the G'morah says clearly regarding someone born under ma'adim: "he will have to either be a murderer or a shochet or mohel." The good or evil resolution of it is the man's own bechirah, Hashem just gave him a tevah or netiyah. And I clearly have mine (and it includes black-and-white thinking, thinking too much, and controlling my thinking too much, among other defects).
A harder challenge? Perhaps! But Hashem does that all the time with everyone: this one he makes poor, this one wealthy, this one sick and this one healthy, etc. Hashem did not make me a sex and lust addict - I did.
But so many of the masturbaters are not addicts at all! They just have a yetzer hora and a penis to use it with. That's every man's battle. And that has nothing whatsoever to do with 'addiction'. But I digress...
Rather than being stuck obsessing with figuring out 'the root cause' of my addiction and who (or Who) is responsible, or whether I am and will burn in Gehinom or will not, recovery asks me to accept the present and grow up by moving on and learning to live right,today.
I write these words specifically to 'George999' (nuevenuevenueve!) for you seem to be wallowing in it, chaver.
You may not have to. But you may choose to believe you do - that's not in my purvey.
Let go of your hell, your future and your past - let go of blaming and even caring about blame - and accept responsibility on yourself to do whatever it takes to learn to live right today. It is not easy, I know, but it does not require complex mental figuring. It requires some simple, uncomfortable steps and actions done one day at a time. Addicts the world over are doing it every day without genius required.
The only requirement is having enough pain.
Maybe you have that, it seems... I know I do. So I am here with you. My wisdom or goodness did not bring me here. My pain did.
And to Guy, I would like to just say that Hashem obviously loved me so much while I was on my knees in that bathroom desperately masturbating myself all those times. For while I was doing that, He worked out all the tools I would need for recovery into a life that is so sweet, beautiful, and useful today. He did not do that for me after I got well - but before! He also brought me to recovery and helped me stay in it, through all the tough times and my failures. He arranged the friends I'd need. He obviously loves me and my wife and children and carries me well today even though I do not deserve it.
And I believe that I needed every single masturbation and sexual encounter I took, in order to finally break and get to the point that I could find recovery. Why does it work that way? None of my business.
So I have no bitterness about it - and I don't bother to stir my cup to see what the dregs taste like, as you are, it seems. No need. I have hurt enough by my own hand. Time for letting go and finding G-d through humility, rather that through demanding Him - or insisting upon creating my own god of orgasm and sweet fantasy...I did that for years. Pain. My way does not work - even my way in yiddishkeit. Recovery is about letting go of the way that fails me - my way.
But that takes either enough humility - or enough humiliation. He lets us choose - is that cruel? I do not think so. It's our choice, if we are addicts. What do you choose?
If you wish to speak on the phone about any of this stuff, please send me a PM and we'll talk it over. You make a lot of good points and i hope nothing I wrote insults either Guy or yourself.
Hatzlocha today!
- Dov