Hi Alex.
You're right.
At the time to hide what you're feeling we are Tojo Kebaróa. For example: Your you smile,
but these really angry.
-You understand everything I said?, And you:
ahaaaaa. (Perhaps you did not pay the necessary
attention to hear what you said, but I'm
ashamed). Or, Wealthy wise food?? And you
say: mmmmm. (But it not was so good), etc.
By having addiction, we are exposed to it all the
time. "You look so Frum", all people lock at you well ... But, you
know that not everything is what it seems, as you
know about yourself.
People will have a concept
that you know is not real.
You say, it is take to fix a lifetime ...
Alex, Thanks for the support.
Shabbat Shalom!
That cute with your family passes