So I am really happy to find this site after a friend told me about it. Boruch Hashem, my problem is not ongoing, but intermittent. But--when it's bad, its really bad. Of course, one problem is looking at Schmutz. The other is when I cannot look at schmutz, I will write about it. I have a very creative mind, and when I have a lust attack, I will engage it fully, sometimes for days, to the exclusion of everything else. The writing thing can even be more intense than looking at schumutz. The problem is there is no filter for writing.
I don't even know if there is a name for that. One thing that helps at least a little is when I finally feel that the lust attack has "played out," I will delete the 'fantasy stories.' So we're talking pages and pages of the darkest, most disgusting schmutz ever written, I say 'Shma' and poof! it's gone. Of course, if its really not played out yet, i'll just start another fantasy.
Is there anyone else out there who has suffered from this malady, whatever it is called? My attacks usually come about a month before Pesach and also in Elul. I guess the Yetzer Harah gets after me at the worst times.
That being said, I am so far 43 days clean. (since Pesach). -Dovid W