Thank you all and thank you MT...
You are absolutely right and I too have come to realise this through my own pain. One cannot allow not even a single component of the problem untouched because it will come back to haunt one.
As you all said, and as also suggested in the GYE manual, I am taking it one day at a time.
I have written these prayers to say in the morning when I wake up as well as during the amidah and any other times that I feel under attack:
Please Hashem; help me not to take any second looks.
Hashem, I surrender my lust to you! Please take it away from me.
Hashem, I can't do this on my own any more. You know that I have tried fighting in these types of situations and lost, time and time again. Please! I need You to help me through this.
Please help me Hashem. Thy will, not mine, be done.
My every day pledge/strategy is to repeat this mantra when I need it although I do say the following every morning when I wake up:
Just for today:
No Looking
No Gazing
No thinking
No Handling
No Stroking
No Saying Stupidities
Another strategy of mine is to visualise this stop sign when confronted with anything that would get my mind racing towards perdition:
So what I do is to close my eyes and visualise this sign and then pray to Hashem immediately - so far so good...
Today for a long time I felt at peace within - I have forgotten what that is like!