Losasuru wrote:
Hi. I am 21 years old, ive learned in the best yeshivos, etc. I have been battling this problem since I was twelve and I feel like I'm ready top throw in the towel. The double life that I'm leading is absolutely killing me. Ive always believed that I could compartmentalize-that I was really a great guy with a side issue that want the real me. But now I have finally realized that it has caught up t me. My learning,which was once top notch, its now in shambles. My life-my dreams, my aspirations, my goals; are all twisted. Ive started for the first time listening to non-jewish music, something that would have been unthinkable just 2 years ago. I have a netflix account and a smartphone. All tihs with a guy who one out the biggest roshei yeshiva in the world said on him "one of the most impressive bochurim in the yeshiva". I was in a position that I served as a "role-model" for younger bochurim- I was to learn with them, encourage them, etc. etc. From the outside, I am one of the "success stories". But inside my heart is in shreds. I am a sham,a fraud. I was recently in a car with a bunch of friends and some questionable music was platting and they turned it off when I came in because of my alleged "frumkeit". I feel like I can go on no longer like this.
Bein hazmaninm started five days ago and I have acted out 3 times already. Im probably chayiv kores and ive lost my prtion in the world top come. I can't say that it is possible for me to quit in the future. My house has unfiltered internet access and there is nothing I could do about it. I feel myself slipping and slipping. Im writing this as an attempt to find something to just grab onto. I dont know, but maybe with marraige thin cd s will vecome easier. For now let this suffice as a eulogy on myself- for what I used to be, the connection to god that I once treasured, and to a life that could have been. I always envisioned myself as some maggid shiur/rosh yeshiva down the road, yet now im questioning if I can ever even have a succesful zman again.
Great News Chabibi:
That was not your hespid. The proof is that you haven't given up.
I know how you feel I too was a "top bachur' in a toop yeshiv v'chulei.
I would learn shtark during the zman gave chaburas, etc.(while struggling with shmiras eynayim, hirhurim and masturbation) and when bein hazmanim came, all bloody hell broke loose with the unfiltered internet. (This was in the late 90s before anyone really
chapped what was going on). I would learn a geshmack morning seder and then spend every possible minute at my disposal in front of a screen. I would often sit there with the schmutz ad shehigia zman krias shema shel shachris
So yup, I know what your going though.
The bad news is that getting married will not solve the problem. Not if you are an addict. Read through some of the posts and you will see how life as a married sex addict is gehinnum mamash.
Here's the good news. You are not a lost case. You are not hopeless. As you have seen, there are so many people on this forum who have learned/are learning to deal with this in a way that will allow them to live toradig and emmesdig lives that give nachas to hakosh baruch hu.
Take the advice of the mesilas yesharim in perek gimmel. If you want to get out of the maze, follow the advice from the people who have been in the maze before you and have gotten out.
You've come to the right place.
hatzlocho on your journey