Shalom holy brother,
I haven't posted on my own post for couple days. So let's do it!
Well. Baruch Hashem I can say over all there has been lots of improvement in my life, first and foremost the way I treat myself. In terms of reaming calm with myself, that means not beating myself for a small slip... And also I found its important to have iner peace in order to have peace with others. If I am not at ease, peaceful with myself, then there is trouble, that's also when the yetzer hara turns up the heat. And some times it just gets to hot for me.
Yes I had a couple falls. But I found something interesting... The last 2 times I fell (5days ago and today) it was like when I first stated watching porn, back in the day I was affraid,scared..... My heart was pounding a little harder then normal. I felt like I shouldn't be doing this. I'm not allowed... The whole fall time was much shorter then the old me. Well as much as I know that I can't say I'm cured I do see the progress Hashem has allowed me to make, with his help as well as the GYE family. I have been texting and keeping contact with a couple guys... Wow it helps.
Now that it's Bain hazmanim, summer vacation time it can get more challenging.
I'd like to share a nice dvar Torah,
We know in the parsga that discusses the "Aishes Y'fas Toar" the beautiful women one will come across while at war. The Torah give us a small set of rules to follow and if afterwards u still desire her, you can have her. Rashi explains that the Torah is speaking against that yetzer hara, that of its not done in a permissible way, it will be done in a forbidden way- therefore the Torah was "matir" on certain conditions.
The question screams out, we all know the only the most righteous went to war, those who were completely free of even the smallest sin. They were of the utmost perfection, and to them the Torah is worried that they will desire some goyia, that if the Torah forbids her, he will end up violating the Torah?
The answer is, that no matter how great the person is, when he leaves his comfort zone he is very vulnerable. At that time even the lowest things can be viewed differently. And he is at risk of falling.....
We must take a lesson from here that even though we have grown tremendously, but as long as we are in our comfort zone, we may be ok,(sorta) but when we step out we are very vulnerable. So we must take precautions, extra precautions, to remain strong in the battle(that means leaving it to Hashem, as the was were fought back then)
Thanks for reading, and thanks for constant chizuk!