To all my dear GYE chaverim,
I would like to avoid the last minute High Holiday rush, so I take this opportunity to wish you all a Healthy, Happy, Holy and Humble new year (one day at a time, naturally).
Which reminds me of a Gemara (Rosh Hashnah 2b, 7b, 10a, 10b, 12b, etc.) Yom echod bashonoh choshuv shonoh - a single day in the year counts as a full year. We (i.e. addicts) can say pshat that the reason for this is since the only way to reach a full year of sobriety is by concentrating on a single day. Vedoi"k.
Anyhow, I also would like to suggest that during our prayers on the Heiligeh Teg, we should remember our GYE community and ask Hashem to help all our dear friends in the coming year(s) to have a Shanah Tovah (i.e. good - without slips & falls) Umesukah (i.e. sweet - without hardships and rough edges).
Ksiva veChasima Tova!