B'chasdei HASEM it is a cloudy day for me, so...
G-D - It is all YOU and YOU only and from YOU and YOU alone
Grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change - such as the past, including my poor/bad choices and especially the poor/bad actions that followed and whatever punishment awaits me as a result, words spoken or not, opportunities missed or blown.
the courage to change the things i can - right now, do i look away or do i gaze, do i try to bypass my filter or not, do i go off into fantasy land or do i live life, do i fight or do i give up the fight, do i rejoice in my relationship with HASHEM or do i languish in desires unfulfilled, do i go into rage at "that" person and whatever "wrong" they did me or smile and move on, do i give or do i take, do i count my blessings or the blessings of my neighbor, do i focus on me or on the other, do i say why me or do i say Thanks, do i crawl into my cave or do i go out into the world, do i ask "what does HASHEM want of me right now?" or do i pretend that it doesn't matter, do i make that call or not, do i focus on the clouds or the "silver lining"
and the wisdom to know the difference - after 120 what really matters, i only have so much koach- i can try with all my might to push the boulder out of my path and it will still be there so do i push? go around? go over? go under? find another path? turn back?, do i have someone wiser to guide and direct me.
THY will, not mine, be done!
Thanks and as always,
Hatzlacha in all things GOOD!