Thanks to all y'all.
BTW, it seems to me that immorality and addiction are only loosely related. I know of many men who have been with prostitutes or have had one night stands with stray women, and are obviously not addicts. And BTW, some of them are frum Jews. For example, it is goofy to say that Amnon himself was an 'addict' just because he was nuts with his desire for Tamar and raped her. For there is no indication that he went on to obsess about any other women after that mayseh. And a single occurrence - no matter how bad - does not make one an addict.
The badness of the habit is not the issue, but how it makes our lives unmanageable that is the only thing that means I am an addict, in the true sense. Anything else, problem though it may be, I just can't relate my program to.
I will not comment on the biblical references given, but will just say that I see great danger in really trying to relate to biblical people on a direct level. That goes for the resho'im as well as lh' the Tzaddikim. I doubt I could ever understand Y'rovom or even lh' Homon. Y'rovom was a shakul according to some midrashim, and Homon was a chochom gadol in some ways - both of them probably had more awareness of Hashem than I will ever have in this physical part of my lifetime. They were still both very bad, of course. And I have no interest in 'admiring' either of them in any way, nor can I compare myself to them. It may very well be that good people like you and me are on a higher madreiga than both of them in some sense....but maybe not. It is none of my business, at all. That is G-d's issue.
By the same token, comparing us to Rabbi Akiva, to the avos, or any other unimaginable tzaddik is just a waste of time for me. For normal Jews it may be a beautiful and powerful tool - so? For me it is just useless and therefore clearly not Hashem's Will for me to force. There may be sforim all about it - so? They were not written for recovering perverts, like me. And most of them were not even written with the author imagining anything remotely as weak in G-d-awareness as this dor/time. Who knows if anyone - even a normal person - can truly relate. So we all learn what we can from them, pray to Hashem to elevate us closer to their faith, power, joy, and wisdom...and I will spare myself any direct comparisons. It's like apples and radishes. ???
The Par'oh thing was just a simile (or is it a metaphor?). I have no idea what the man was actually thinking. Especially if he ended up in Nineveha few hundred years later...this is no run-of-the-mill rosho...
My only concern need be making a nachas ruach for Hashem, no matter what my madreiga or how I 'compare' to any of these people. Trying to do so would make me think I am a real smartypants - then I'd go act out!! Pride like that is poison for me.
PS. I learn the Shla"Hk on every parsha - awesome!
To Dov in Israel:
What you are saying here seems to me a great tool, but not a program of recovery. I imagine that you do not see what you suggest as the entire job that is to be done and that you have a whole constellation of tools and readjustment of thinking stuff that helps many people...but still, reliance on any tool or set of tools, is not so poshut. The drunks were given a gift of sobriety through reliance on G-d. Not through reliance on good tools.
There are lots of tools, some more powerful than others. But in the end, since my actual problem is truly my insanity that leads to obsessions of the mind, and an allergy of the body to lusting , I am in trouble. Unlike normal, healthy people, who can lust, make mistakes (even big ones) and resume a manageable, comfortable life, I cannot do that. I progress and my life becomes unmanageable. I am sick, so I cannot afford to 'sin', as they plainly can. No tool can get me out of this trouble.
Ein chavush matire atzmo mibeis ha'asurim. Even with tools. In the end, with all the progress we may make using tools, we will not make it. We addicts need G-d. Not tools, but G-d.
And when well-meaning guys respond with the standard, "well, of course I mean it won't work unless Hashem 'helps' me! We all know 'im ein ozro eino yachol lo'!" - I say that is silly. Because it is old information! We all always knew that - even when we were chasing the woman from aile to aile in the supermarket, bumping into her on the bus, searching for 'just the right porn image' on line, or masturbating on that bathroom floor! It was a useless motto to us then, and it is as useless and empty a party line for us, now. For we do not really believe it. Saying it is cheap.
It is real faith in and dependence on G-d, that we need. And that aspect of it - the realness of the dependence on a Power greater than ourselves - is not exclusively Jewish! Self-reliance is most of our problem, both in the self-pleasuring and the self-beating the lust mishega'as. The entire thing is not a religious issue, but a sanity issue! Addicts are blind and not mesugal to see ourselves, and do not see the truth. The Torah is perfect, and we are cracked.
Self-honesty we can learn from anybody crushed enough to need it! Chochma bagoyim ta'amin. Period. V'ein chochma k'self-honesty.
The ultimate answer of the program - a real relationship with your G-d (that is what "a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps" in the 12th step means) - is as much a religious issue as lusting and masturbating are. That is, they are not - for an addict. If it is only tools that I seek - so that I can be the one smart enough to beat it; or madreigos that I seek - so that I can be the one good enough to beat is still all about me. And that is not a dependence on G-d.
That is why people say that the 12 steps is not a 'self-help' program, but a 'G-d-help' one. It's the truth. It is either us doing it, or it is G-d doing it. There is no in-between. Sure there is a partnership, but I am just His beloved agent, He gets all the credit, and I do not need to understand the process! I just need to do it.
Sorry if I am making no sense to some people reading this, but it's the best I can do to share something I am not really smart enough to understand. But I am sober today so far. B'H.
Sorry for another long megillah.
Love you all. Ciao.