Got it.
How does a food addict overcome his addiction? Everyone has to eat? When is it eating, and when is it giving in to food addiction? The first portion, the one he needs for nourishment, is harmless. It's downright good for him. The second helping, the big dessert, the family size bag of chips, the 2 liter of Pepsi, that's the addiction. So while an alky can't take even one drink without sliding back to square one, a food addict can eat a nourishing meal and walk away satisfied and sane.
But But But !!
But sex is different than food. Sex is lust. Lust is sex.
That's only because we're sick. Long before we ever got our hands on a real woman, we misused a part of our operating system so many thousands of times, that we have no clue what it's really for. We think it's just to give ourselves selfish indulgent pleasure. Escape. Whatever. So naturally we can't understand how we can have sex with a woman we love and it be anything more than masturbation inside a woman (sorry guys). :o
Hence your question: How can I take this drink?
I think you see where I'm going with this.
Experiencing intimacy with one's wife, if done without fantasy, without getting lusted up in advance, focusing on the moment, on where you are right now, with her, to bond, to make both of you b'simcha with each other -- that's not the drug. It's not a drink. It won't make you relapse (provided you don't replay it in your mind and get all aroused again later).
This will come with time, when you have some sobriety under your belt. It's LA-102. Believe me, I'm still working at it.