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Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah
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TOPIC: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 10807 Views

Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 23 Dec 2016 12:49 #300970

Hi everyone.
I listen to a lot of shiurim from Rabbi Fishel Shechter and from Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier.
(They are both available on torahanytime.com and theshmuz.com) 
So, I thought maybe I would write down some of the things that they say
here for everyone to gain from.

An interesting thing to think about: Rabb Fishel Shechter gave a shiur on the parsha,
and said in the name of the Sfas Emes, that Yosef was a smart man. He must have known 
what she would/could do with his clothes, so why didn't he go back to pull it away from her,
before running out of there? The Sfas Emes answers that Yosef was indeed a very smart man,
and he knew that if he went back to grab his clothes away from her, HE might get stuck in
her grasp and do the aveira with her. He had to just run away, right away, without making 
any cheshbonos, even knowing full well that it might get him in trouble later. 
He eventually went to prison for many years based on this "evidence" of leaving his clothes behind.
Have a good Shabbos and Happy Chanuka everyone!

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 24 Dec 2016 21:25 #301018

  • will Succeed Beh
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Powerful message!
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טאטע! אפילו איך שפיר זיך ווייט פון דיר, אוי אוי אוי
ווייס איך אז די ביסט נאנט צו מיר אזוי, אוי אוי אוי
מיט ליבשאפט ווי אן איינציג קינד, פון בענקשאפט א טרערעלע רינט
ואהבת עולם, אהבת עולם אהבתיך

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 05:08 #301037

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indeed. Ye'hareig v'al Ya'avor

One day I wish to have the koach to smash my phone on the floor if I am gripped in a lust attack!

Though I don't want to get to that stage.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

One day... At A Time :-D

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Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 06:40 #301043

Another gem from Rav Fishel Shechter: Parshas Vayayshev is the story of Nisyonos.
The Beis Avraham from the Slonimer, says an amazing insight.
The end of the parsha talks about the cheit of Er and Onan, which is the cheit 
of motzei shichvas zera. And it comes right after the nisayon of Yosef HaTzadik.
And he says the point of the posuk is that you have 2 sons of Yehuda, Melech Yisroel,
growing up in Eretz Yisroel,
and you have Yosef, who was without his father, totally separated from his brothers,
with the guilt and anger of what happened to him, thrown into a pit
and then sold as a slave by his own brothers, who were tzadikim doing it l'shem shamayim.
So, he is all alone, in a foreign environment, with all the excuses in the world
to act out and go off the deep end...
and yet he passed his huge nisayon and was successful. 
And you have, Er and Onan, who grew up in a loving home, with Yehuda as their father,
in Eretz Yisroel, and they blow it.
This comes to teach us that environment isn't everything/isn't the factor.
Sometimes, it's just an excuse. Don't blame your environment.
If a person really tries, there is a  siata d'shemaya to keep us going and be successful.

In a similar vein, Rav Hutner said that the ikker nisayon in America is apikorsus,
and the biggest apikorsus is that a person doesn't believe in himself...
in the power of his tefilas, the power of a mitzvah, of a blatt Gemara. 

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 06:56 #301044

Thanks! These are two pf my favorite speakers. Just for the sake of clarification, Both SPEAKERS are available on torahanytime.com, only Rabbi Shafier is on The Shmuz.
How long have you been  listening to Rabbi Fishel Schechter? I'm trying to locate a shiur where he says a story about a person in Las Vegas regarding Shmiras Eineim. The shiur was about 7-9 years ago? Anyone knows where to locate this shiur?

Thank You! Ah Freilechen Chanuka!

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 12:13 #301048

They are 2 of my favorites too. I may have heard the shiur you are talking about, but have NO way 
of finding it, more than you do. If it's super important, he gives a live shiur once a week,
that you can go to and ask him. And you might be able to write in a question to the
torahanytime people to give to him. 

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 15:49 #301073

Thanks! I just thought I'll share it with the Oilam here. It is very powerful, being that I still remember it all these years. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to write in.

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 21:10 #301118

If you still remember it, then please go ahead and share with me (and others) the story.
Don't leave me hanging.

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 21:50 #301137

The story was about someone who used to go every year to Las Vegas for the trade show. One year he decided to improve on his Shmiras Eineiyim and backed out at the last minute. He was brooding a whole time about how much money he lost, he had paid for a booth, etc... A few days later he gets a call from a national TV that they are looking to do a feature story about American made furniture and would like to profile his company. Of course he made alot of money  from the free advertising and it was worth it. When he asked the producer why was his small company chosen she replied that when she was given the assignment she drove down the freeway in Nevada and so his company's ad on the billboard, and that was the only time she missed her exit and had to pass his sign a second time. She took it as a sign that this should be the chosen company. 
that was the gist of the story might have missed some details.

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 22:07 #301139

That's amazing. Thank you, and I DID hear that story from him!
We never lose by doing the right thing.

I just heard basically the same story from him, with different details.
The guy had set up at some convention to hawk his wares (jewelry, I think).
Anyway, he notices very immodestly dressed people set up in the booth across from him.
He asks the organizer if he can move booths because of it, and is told "take it or leave it"
literally! He does a Yosef HaTzaddik move and thinks about his father. 
He knows that his father would pack up and go that instant...
so he starts packing up to leave. The organizer sees this and threatens that if he leaves,
then he can kiss selling there goodbye (I think meaning next year too).
Not to be deterred, he finishes packing up and is about to leave.
Some older lady comes to take over "his" booth, and asks him why he is leaving,
when the convention hasn't even STARTED yet. He tells her the story,
that he doesn't really want to leave, but his morals and values will not allow him to look
over at those "undressed" neighbors across from him, so he is leaving.
She asks for his card, and over the next year, buys MORE things from him than 
he could have imagined ever selling at the convention.
Same story, different people, same message: HaShem makes it that
we won't lose from doing the right thing!
(By the way, your points just doubled)

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 25 Dec 2016 23:22 #301142

Yosef, Thanks for the Karma! (I'm really not a Karma guy, been in and out of the forums for over 4 years and never noticed my karma... But as they say, It's the thought that counts.) I had given you in the past a karma, (When you posted you went to speak to your rabbi and stopping all streaming videos. That deserves a karma!) not sure if I can give again. Keep up the good work!

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 26 Dec 2016 12:29 #301178

I think you can give 1 every 6 hours.
Enjoy the latest amazing story and insight I heard from Rav Fishel Shechter:
He went to visit someone in prison. But his wife made him change 
and wear a nicer suit, and his ID was in a pocket of his regular suit. 
So when he got there after a very long, several hour drive, the guard wouldn't let him in. 
He actually got yelled at and asked to leave!
So, he left and regrouped in the parking lot, and thought about how everything is 
in HaShem's hands. If it is His will, then the guard will let him in to visit 
and give chizuk to the Jew who is imprisoned there. And if not, then 
gam zu l'tova...I did my best. I did my hishtadlus. But it's not the guard. 
The guard doesn't decide anything. He is only Your shaliach. 
Then, he went back to the special door at the entrance to the prison, 
and the guard asked him for his ID. He responded that he must have left it in the car.
And this time, the guard just said "fine, go inside," and let him without showing any ID...
as unbelievable as that sounds. A friend asked him afterward, how could you possibly
get in without an ID? He answered "because I really believed that it wasn't him 
who stopped me the first time. And if I believe that it's not the guard, so doors open up."

He concluded by insisting that he is not some big baal madreiga. Don't think it's me. 
The fact that the story happened to me is a siman that we ALL have access to this. 
If we believe that our ikoovim in life, whether it is our internal struggles or external struggles, 
they are all HaKodesh Borichu staging the nisayon that we have to have. 
And I look through it, and say: Ribono Shel Olam, it is all You, 
and everything else is just Your shaliach. 
If we do that, then you can't imagine the doors that will open up! 

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 26 Dec 2016 19:07 #301212

  • gevura shebyesod
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Did the.guard have a big grey beard and a supertall Spodik?
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Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 26 Dec 2016 20:03 #301213

Nice try. I totally "get" what you are saying,
but how would that explain the first part of the story?

"So when he got there after a very long, several hour drive, the guard wouldn't let him in. 
He actually got yelled at and asked to leave!"

Our guard would have just let him right in 

Re: Rabbi Fishel Shechter/Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Torah 27 Dec 2016 16:29 #301286

Here is another gem, all from a shiur he gave: Rav Fishel Shechter is returning his car lease. And he has to go through a whole inspection. They say he needs to get a car wash. Why would they need him to do that? Then the inspector tells him the point of the car wash, it's easier for us to see the little scratches and the dents on it afterward! 
The Ribono Shel Olam knows what generation we are living in...that we are a living in a very weak generation. In the previous generations, the neshamas were very, very clean, so every little thing showed up. The maaleh of living in this generation is that (you can't dump extra dirt or get dents on purpose, but) every little thing doesn't show up. He doesn't look at every dent. It's not so visible, because He knows the kind of environment we are living in...the world that surrounds us. 

The problem is that we have to realize the koach of our mitzvahs. We have to know that...the koach of our tefilas, of our learning and everthing good we do.
He had to print something. But he didn't know how to print. There was no printer there. So, getting frustrated, he kept hitting the print button, over and over and over. The secretary came upstairs to him and said here are all your papers, stop hitting the print button! We don't realize what every shemoneh esrai does. Every holding yourself back, every davening, every minute we learn something, we don't know what it does! We don't know the koach we have.

The posuk says that Reuven hears what is going on and he saved Yosef. But did he really save Yosef?no 
The Sfas Emes says: he did what he could at that point. To the extent of what he could do, he did his best. HaKadosh Borichu judges us by who we are at trying times...how hard we try, not on success and failure.
If we sincerely try our best, He considers it as done!
We don't realize what our actions do down here.

Next, it says that if Reuven knew that what he was doing would be written in the Torah, had he known, he would have carried Yosef home on his shoulders. The Sfas Emes says that we are all full with this "had I knowns". We see the world in terms of accomplishments. But if Reuven would have realized that it will be written down forever after, then he would have done more. We would go a lot further too, if we understood how far a mitzvah goes, the impact and the power of standing up to a nisayon in shmiras ainayim or any nisayon. We would go a lot further. But to maintain bechira, we are not shown everything.
Last Edit: 27 Dec 2016 21:43 by Yosef Tikun HaYesod.
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