TiredOfFalling wrote on 01 Jun 2010 05:39:
I know I should stop talking to her but how?
My children travel in far more chareidi circles than I ever did. In their world, it was quite simple. Some shadchan or rebbe or someone would teach them: dating that's not oriented toward marriage is: a waste of time; a terrible temptation; just plain wrong; etc.
Somehow, they buy it. And they just... don't. No phone calls, no flirtatious glances, no nuthin'. Because it's not going to lead toward a direction that would give nachas to the RBS'O.
For them, it's that simple. Wow. For others of us, the work of a lifetime. Maybe you're young enough that this would work out somehow and you get to such a place, just because Avinu Shebashamayim wants you to. Don't know. My only thought: I'll daven for you.