Hey man. I feel really bad about what you are going through, and I wish I could help you out. The only thing I can do is let you know that even though we don't know each other personally on this forum, we are all connected by the challenges we face. Behind every post is someone that really cares about you and your struggles.
I also have a really hard time with stress. As someone who struggles with anxiety, even small life events can trigger a lot of tension. I'm just a shnook as far as life experience goes (I'm not married yet), but in therapy I learned some techniques like acceptance, mindfulness, and meditation to deal with stress. Maybe it would be worth your while to read up on stress management techniques, or even see a therapist.
Also, beating yourself up and calling yourself names is extremely counter-productive. You are not a hypocrite. You know and believe the beauty of a Torah life, and you are doing your best to become better. So many of us here are struggling with this issue. It's a crazy battle. Our failures and shortcomings doesn't turn us into fakers or charlatans. By being critical of yourself you are draining your emotional energy and vitality that can be used to fight this war! Being kind to yourself is way more helpful. Building the person who you are is critical.
Also, like I mentioned before, I'm a shnook. I'm definitely not in a position to offer marriage advice, especially as you've seen marriage professionals. But maybe just having an open conversation with your wife would help. You could tell her how much she means to you and how much you love her, but you feel that things are getting in the way of your relationship, and that you want to do better. You could ask her what she needs from you, and tell her gently what you need from her. What I learnt from my complicated family background is that genuine, grounded, open conversation is always a good bet.
I normally don't post on other forums, but your story struck a chord. Please keep us updated.