shua73 wrote on 13 Dec 2016 06:28:
I have been checking around on the forums and there seems to be a difference of opinion as to whether I should just somehow give up myself to hashem since I can't function anymore as is or is it possible to cut back and slowly grow and get rid of the problem. I am not claiming to be anybody's Rav but I wanted to hear the group's opinion on it. Personally, I think that if you read the book the first day of the rest of my life (downloadable on gye's website) you will find that both potentially work and it depends on the individual person. What are your thoughts? Can you help me clarify this better? The just give up idea is hard for me to relate to since I am not looking at porn so much that I could honestly say that it's unbearable. I think that a large part of it is that as frum Jews we know that it's wrong however it is very tempting and addictive to look at porn and to mzl. But just giving up is not gonna work if your main reason for wanting to quit is to do what's right not bc it's unbearable otherwise. I therefore think that there are those that would benefit more from focusing less on always being careful to not look and so on. I find that the more I think about not falling the faster I fall. However when I have other things to do I have a much easier time staying clean. Also a main trigger for me is being tired as I am much more impulsive when I'm tired. In sum, it appears that for some people the more they focus on it, the more they have it in the forefront of their mind and are more prone to falling.
Hey shushu. Don't mind I drop in to your group..
Look up some Dov quotes about teshuva vs. recovery. If
Siman 151 in the
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and countless other gemoras, Torah sources (parshas Acharei Mos -
Kedoshim) doesn't get us to stop, then it doesn't seem to be in the realm of what will actually help us. Dov describes recovery as a mechanism to maintain
sanity, from which teshuvah can be achieved.
I think all will agree that giving up to Hashem is the only way. How? How can we possibly do it ourselves? I've tried. Learned for hours on end. Davened with
Kavonah. Made resolutions. In a nutshell, white-knuckled. What is required is an entire perspective shift.
What does it mean, giving yourself up to Hashem? Just flop on the couch and do nothing? Expect Him to lift your arms for you? Run for you? I believe it's just the mindset that "I can't do this by myself. No way. No power at all" (Step 1 of the 12 steps. It rings true). And then you still do everything, go about your day as normal. But then at a trigger, you remember your true focus. It's a one-degree shift that makes a massive difference down the line.
Cut back and slowly grow? What does that mean? Like, masturbate 2 times this week, only once next week, then one every 2 weeks? I'm not sure if this is what you mean. But let's consider this as a plan of action. So next week, what will you be thinking the whole week?
Oh man, at the end of the week I can finally release! Oh I can't wait!!! So the entire week becomes an exercise in lust.
And to address your last point, sobriety isn't an end in and of itself. I believe it is a state of mind where you
want to do things, to be active and involved in others' lives. And soon the focus won't be so immediate. But a habit, like breathing, eating. And this foundation will skyrocket you into realms of spiritual happiness and real life.
What's considered unmanageable is your own cheshbon. But the attitude is the same. We're powerless. It's humbling.
Besides that's what the mussar sefarim urge us to do as well..
I just want to add one thing. There are 'normal' people who struggle and their are addicts. First, you need to determine which camp you fall in as the way to change will differ. Dov himself also patiently told me this. Still not sure where I fall, but a quote I read from Dov recently makes me believe I am not an addict yet I am convinced I have do not have much control over what I do sometimes.