A checklist is an aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task.
The ABC Checklist for combating lust is designed to help you win the battle against lust. It is hoped that this list will help redirect your attention and thus reduce failure.
It is designed to be a quick guide that one can
memorize, and then
use anywhere at
any time ("Let's see, what was B for again... oh yeah... Now C. ok... Now D. right... truck, truck.).
Here's an idea. Take out a sheet of paper, and see how many of these you can write down from memory. See if you can improve that number. It's more tools in your arsenal, and you can never have enough.
Please add your suggestions for any letter. Multiple items will be used for each letter, as you can never have too many tools at your disposal.
This first post will be updated to contain the most up to date version of the list.
Enough with the rules. Let's start:
- Ask Hashem for help.
- Acceptance, Accepting the life that Hashem gives us.
- Ahavas Hashem - Say, "I want to love YOU Hashem, rather than this ..."
- Break the habit - we are creatures of habit. Your past does not dictate your future any longer. Make a conscious decision on how you will act.
- Breathe Deeply - Exhale slowly and completely to get out the old air that stays behind in the lungs due to shallow breathing. This will create more space in the lungs for fresh air. Breathe in deeply and fully. Repeat a couple of times. Your body and brain need high oxygen levels to be at their best.
- Bathroom - There is often a connection between the need for a bowel movement, and the onset of a sudden lust attack. How interesting...
- Call a friend in recovery.
- Commit to improving some aspect of your avodas Hashem.
- Coffee - Being behind in your caffeine schedule may be causing RID.
- Cry real tears to Hakodosh Boruch Hu.
- Daven for help to be able to do what we are supposed to do.
- Delay acting out. - Tell yourself, "I can always act out a little later."
- Drink Water You may be slightly dehydrated, which can cause RID.
- Eat something. - Being hungry is often a source of RID.
- Feelings - Identify your feelings of RID and address your true needs rather than covering them up with lust.
- Funnies - Read something that will make you laugh. GYE Funny Pages
- Focus on the fact that you are improving your life.
- Get up out of your chair. Standing helps.
- Humility
- Help someone in need.
- Identify what you did that brought about the desire. Establish for yourself, beyond any doubt, that such action is very detrimental to you.
- Imagine that today is your last.
- Jiggle your toes. Notice the interesting sensation in your toes, and forget any unpleasant sensations.
- KOMT - Keep on monstuh trucking.
- Let Go - Let go of resentments, expectations, worthless guilt, thinking you can do it on your own...
- Modeh ani lefanecha........
- Never give in.
- Own Responsibility for your actions and choices, and the resulting life that you now have due to the choices you made. Accept that you are the one responsible for whatever situation you find yourself in. Know as well, that you can continuously take small actions that will, over time, drastically improve the quality of your life.
- Positivity - Kill lust with positive thoughts.
- Quit Fighting
- Remind yourself of the times you had a burning desire to act out, yet you were misgaber. This is proof that the burning desire does not require that you act out.
- Read - the GYE Handbook, white book, big book, etc.
- Surrender
- STOP! - Stop acting out. Stop thinking too much.
- Talk to Hashem
- Tefillah
- Understand what void you are trying to fill and get it filled in a healthy way that works!
- Vei Is Mir - how I feel after acting out.
- Walk - Take a walk around the block.
- WHY - What is your WHY? WHY do you want to keep from acting out? Knowing WHY helps with the HOW. Also see: 90,000 Reasons to say "NO" to acting out
- Worse - Lusting will make matters worse.
- X Out - Click the "X" in the upper-right corner of your screen.
- YES! - The easiest way to say no, is when I have a powerful yes burning inside. What am I living my life for?
- Zzz - Just go to sleep.
- Zugg Nuchamuhl - Repeat this list again starting from "A."