Ok, I looked at bad stuff online. Didn't masturbate, but was rubbing down there. I need to up the ante against my yetzer hara. But I feel so terrible.
My wife and I decided that I would speak with my rebbe when I fell (and give a weekly update as well) and that I should come on this site more often. As she can't understand the struggle and telling her only led to horrible fights and no productive changes, we agreed that my rebbe was the best person to talk to as he is a man and will not personalize my failures. She agreed to checking with my rebbe that I'm actually calling him but that's it; she cannot receive any information on what we talk about during our calls. I still feel terrible though. Honestly, I almost feel as if I'm cheating on her, although I know I'm not actually. I feel so low and like I'm hiding it from her although we decided this was the best way to go about it for now.
I had two horrifying realizations. Firstly, while I'm doing what I'm doing, I really want to look. It's like there's some other part of me, removed almost, that says this is terrible, but I feel like the true me wants to look. Sort of like Jimminy Cricket in Pinocchio. The desire for good is extrinsic, while my base animal extincts is the real me. I am so frightened that this is who I have become. While I have had some nominal success, and I am certainly better than before (before my commitment I masturbated ten or more times a week whereas I have only masturbated at most ten times since this past March), I feel so lousy.
Secondly, what worries me most is that in a week I'll forget my self-loathing. I'll be "ok" again and at risk. While self-loathing isn't good, I need to grow from this incident. Maybe I need to take something new on in this struggle, a new safeguard to protect me.
Is the road to success paved with so many failures? I feel so worthless.
So please, I beg of you all: now what?