This afternoon a phenomenon that happens every so often occurred. While I havent been as careful about peripheral images (seen pritzus doing things that are somewhere around parve on the scale of "should I do that"), I havent looked intentionally at prn in a while (until tonight...). The other day I had a baal keri, and that ticked off general teiva, and I fought. but it kept growing. I tried davening, I tried ignoring. (incidently, I didnt try replacing with something good except once; that worked for the moment). but this afternoon, after being in a work environment with things around me that shouldnt have been, I literally got nausea from fighting the teiva. this evening I couldnt fight. I mean, obviously I could have. I tried to. I tried surrender (as much as I know how), and came close, moved away... a few times. but ultimately I couldnt say no. It just wasnt an option. BH my roommate came in before I had done any damage worse than I had already (rictor scale-not so bad, but no good at all). now I'm also not looking, even though he left. My filter helps, though obviously an addict knows ways around that. it happens to be that I have a really big hole I didnt use. it seems I want to feel like I only did so so bad. but still, I need to get out of this. when it gets so bad that I feel physically upset, what do I do? how does one deal with such an extreme teiva, that I know is for spiritual sustenance (I really believe and know that), but has no immediate outlet that I can handle. Obviously I have work to do, and Iwant to do it, I need to do it, and I am willing to do it. but lmaaisa-what do I do when my computer is yelling at me from inside my head-"watch me!" ughh. I really wanted to go from Purim to Pesach clean. BH, it stopped at my eyes, but it wasnt perfect. and obviously, no one is perfect. but I wanted to be...