In this battle we fight, Shmiras Einayim is the front lines. The glance, the second look, the staring, have become ingrained habits that need to be broken. It needs to be a constant, conscious, effort. It's draining and exhausting. And it can never be perfect, and that can be so discouraging. Then we get burnt out, and stop putting the energy into it, and we start slipping without realizing it. Then we realize what has happened, and we need to re-strengthen our fences. We need to form new habits, of not looking where we don't need to, and of averting our gaze from the things that fascinate us so strongly. It takes lots of time and hard work to make that change.
So hang in there and keep working at it. Don't be discouraged when you slip, expecting instant perfection is a recipe for disappointment. Every single time you successfully avert your gaze, you are etching the new good behavior a little deeper into your psyche. Be proud of each sucess, think of it as a little Korban to Hashem, a sacrifice of your inner urge just for that moment.
I'm writing to myself as much as to you. I've been at this for well over a year and I have gone through the cycle of ups and downs many times. But I know that it is the key to staying clean, and I must put all my effort into it.
Hatzlacha Rabba and KOMB!!!! (Monstuh' Biking)