Hi all,
fell again.
I am a big baal gaiva. (Hence, beginning the sentence with
I. So many people think so much of me. etc etc. So its just natural that i do as well... :-. I thought i had it 'knocked down'. 82 days clean. Just need a little chizuk from SA and thats it. I have to learn that I cant be clean for one second without hashem's constant help, constant reading and doing what it says in the attitude handbook and gye guide.
So, for my first time ever, yesterday (before fall number 2) i tuned in to a phone 12 steps GYE SA conference here in israel(in hebrew). I was walking at the street at the time, so did not participate in the conference. One of the things that striked me the most is that they asked 'how much are you willing to give to deal with lust?'. This question shot through me. How much am i willing to do? Well....there was a time, perhaps a couple of months ago, that i would have given a lot. But now... and then i hear on the phone that the others are pretty much saying the same thing. At the beginning they were willing to give everything, now .... I was just thinking how much work i have when one of the participants mentions that he has so much work to do, commitments, how much he is really prepared to give is next to zero. I was pretty much in the same boat. I missed a whole lot due to bad reception, but i remember the conductor saying that this is something we have to work on. without it nothing will work. i started to think about all the efforts i had done in my 82 days. not much. called 1 person. asked hashem for help. at the beginning i begged and begged every day. then, only when i had a nisayon. then, a fall. Thats it. No taphsic method. no reading the attitude handbook. no reading the guide. Started giving advice on GYE like i am free from everything. But really ive done nothing in comparision to what i should and could be doing. And how much i want to do? When i think of were i could end up in. Away from my wife. my family. My parents could very well disown me. I have been on drugs before and, if sent from my wife, who knows were i could end up? When i think of that...a lot...and where i could be if this lust goes away....a shaliach...a father...a husband...a Jew....and i think about it a lot...i start to realise just how much i want this. But i have to think about it a lot. and all the time.
realisticly. i have to be realistic about what i am going to do and honest about my limitations so...
Im fairly unorganised anyway, so to make a whole lot of general comitments is a little bit foolish for me in my opinion. So, i am making for myself projects.
I am still contemplating a full taphsic method. Until then, i am considering making the following one:
30 minutes before a fall i must open the daily sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (about 10 minutes) and listen to it in Yiddish while reading the translation. then, i must call one of the numbers i recieved from Yechezkiel, from the GYE hotline in Israel.
This is a beginning, i know i have to add, etc. Money is just not an option for me. Too little wont hurt and too much isnt shayach. Its just that until i add things it could take a week or so, so i decided that in the meantime i will do this. After hearing the Rebbe's voice for 10 minutes and understanding what the Rebbe is saying from the translation, would i still be mesugal to sin? Perhaps. but the chances are for sure a lot less! Any thoughts?
My projects, imyh:
I want to call my very close Rabbi/mashpia, who helped me and brought me close to Yiddishkeit, and calls me his 'best student ever'...and make an appointment with him. And tell him everything. I never really felt i could, i was always ashamed. But thanks to GYE i know that this is an addiction, not a flaw in my character. and i can tell that to him. And after that, i can add something else to the taphsic method: After learning the sicha, talking to someone from the hotline and i still want to sin...i must call my rabbi and tell him what i am going to do. This is a big thing for me. But i have decided it has to be done. I was waiting for 90 days to go by but....
Next, there is a new phone conference GYE 12 steps in Israel beginning next week by one of Dovid Chaim's students on Monday at a very convinient time for me. I am going to call in and, bli neder be able to speak.
As for the 10 minutes i mentioned earlier of looking into the handbook i have to be honest that i did not do that. Maybe it should be 2 minutes. more realistic. 2 minutes for now. bli neder.
Another thing: No crying over spoilt milk. Whats done is done. What will be done ....ah
thankyou for listening. i need your support at this time. and i need comments, advice, suggestions, etc etc.