I did not tell my wife, she caught me. Initially, I made some lame excuses which she saw straight through (of course). Once I knew, I could not hide it, I told her (exactly how much and what is for another time). Those first days and weeks were excruciatingly painful. I was in a complete
daze for at least a couple of
days. We talked and talked and talked some more (never talked that much since dating
Anyway, 2+ years later, we are closer than we could have ever been, had she not found out. There are still times that she is upset, but overall, we have a much more open honest relationship. She was always open, but I am still learning more and more to share my feelings with her. I'm learning that it's ok, to not be perfect, and that she loves
and respects me more when I tell her honestly about my problems (with lust and in general), than when I keep them inside and try to deal with them myself.