obormottel wrote on 16 Sep 2011 19:18:
Since this isn't a parenting forum, let's try to relate this to lust addiction.
We can not fight it head on. Same with kids. Often, straight-forward demands will make them dig in their heels etc.
If you are firm and persistent, you will get your desired results. If you expect the results to manifest themselves right away, you don't know anything about either recovery or parenting.
When I tell my kids each time when they see a neighbour "say hello", "say hello" I can reasonably expect that some time in the future they will say hello without being prompted. Some kids will do it in a week and some in a year or two, and some never.
Same with turning away your eyes on the street or with not reaching for your zipper every time the compulsion arrises. It takes firm and consistent effort, and with G-d's help it will yield results - sometimes in a week, and sometimes in year. Let's hope that "never" is not a possibility.
Truer words have never been spoken. And I say that both as a parent and as a recovering LA.
Good Shabbos