Hey mechazek, I hope you enjoy your day as well.
Dov, I see what you're saying, and I thank you for the encouragement you are giving me to go forward with my plan.
Unfortunately, I fell yesterday. Super Hard. And I don't think I can follow the neder. Simply speaking, the yesser hara was able to trick me into thinking that the neder doesn't apply (acting out is an ambiguous term, i should have used mz"l). I think I'm going to try to do this another way. (A side note is that the yesser hara was pushing me to act out, saying that I needed to work out anyway, so I should act out. You see how wily he is, no?) I think I am going to fight the problem by working on what Dov said was my flaw. Unfortunately, as Alexeliezer very correctly stated, this requires a frum therapist, and I MUST deal with this without my parents. I would die of embarrassment trying to explain this to them (they are not American, they are middle-eastern, and over there, homosexuality is cured by death or excommunication).
Don't know what to do.
Jew Boy