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Parev Category: Break Free Last Post by Markz on 2024-07-26 21:24:13 Dear Parev,After reading your thread, and talking to you, I would a... REPLIES: 279
Chooseurnames 90 day trip Category: On the Way to 90-Days Last Post by Muttel on 2024-07-26 21:12:58 Ending another sober(ish) week. Feeling pretty good. Sunday... REPLIES: 383
Navigating the ocean of my life Category: What Works for Me Last Post by iwannalivereal on 2024-07-26 20:39:10 Wow thanks for that vort!Beautifully written and thought out!Wondering if I should share it by my shabbos sedua ... REPLIES: 96
No Despair Allowed Category: On the Way to 90-Days Last Post by redfaced on 2024-07-26 18:37:59 Wow שבע יפול צדיק וקם, I'm so impressed with your dedication... REPLIES: 159
Thought I wouldn't need to ask for help Category: Introduce Yourself Last Post by BenHashemBH on 2024-07-26 16:36:49 Reb Chaim,I hope you are ok today and heading into a healing Shabbos.Kol tov REPLIES: 270
Holy In Jerusalem Category: On the Way to 90-Days Last Post by stopsurvivingstartliving on 2024-07-26 16:06:46 As of 7pm day 3 was clean. Thanks god No urges. Probably based off the fact that i wasn't out much. I think the attitude... REPLIES: 6
Nothing to lose Category: On the Way to 90-Days Last Post by stopsurvivingstartliving on 2024-07-26 15:41:35 I feel for you! Try taking it a day at a time shabbos for many is an easier day to pass. Can not wait to hear back from ... REPLIES: 445
nechama for the singles Category: Break Free Last Post by parev on 2024-07-26 15:04:00 As A single male i wanted to pose a question which... REPLIES: 8
My Story Category: Introduce Yourself Last Post by chosemyshem on 2024-07-26 14:08:00 Thank you for the share. And mazel tov on the clean week! I think a lot of guys can relate to feeling a whole new level ... REPLIES: 16
OivedElokim-I’ll never give up Category: On the Way to 90-Days Last Post by BenHashemBH on 2024-07-26 12:00:30 Beautiful!Ein Od Milvado + Bishvili Nivra Olam = LoveThe simcha comes from the realization that we are inconsequenti... REPLIES: 750

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