The GIFT of Sight

Rabbi Dr. Daniel Lanzer Saturday, 30 November 2024
The GIFT of Sight

Hashem gave us the most wonderful GIFT, the ability to see and the ability to realise and perceive.

As Jews, we can use this tremendous GIFT to reach the highest spiritual level.

Today we have a tremendous opportunity to positively use our EYES to see GOOD - and not Bad, and through this mitzvah we will attach ourselves to Hashem and fulfil our purpose in this world.

How to use our GIFT

G - GOOD- Train your eyes to constantly see good. The positive effect on the body and nefesh of this clear. Look around and enjoy your family, their personality, their physical appearance, food, colour, trees, houses, writing.. CONNECT and join the GOOD you see to all your senses. Such as smell, taste , touch and hearing. See and perceive Hashem and his kedusha in the world. Appreciate and rejoice every moment as a Frum holy Jew.

I - INTERNAL- Reflect on what is INSIDE of us. When we wake, our first thoughts is that we have a Neshoma from Hashem. Think about how important and great we are that a “chelek“ of Hashem is within us. We say in the tehilim (ledadiv) “my heart says search me out”. Yes, inside every Jew is a part of Hashem. Realise your greatness and therefore consider that your EYES are the method your Godly soul sees and perceives the world.

F - FANTASY- Tzadikim say that the Koach of the Yetzer Hara is all in the "koach hadimyon - fantasy". We need to use this very koach for good. Yes we have brains that can think ahead, think and extrapolate, and plan things based on what we see. We see much deeper that what an ordinary person would see. Rav Dessler explains a person cannot grow if he cannot imagine himself in a different position. Train your eyes to imagine Good and positive Torah thoughts and values, to imagine the greatness of Hashem and the great reward that awaits those who cling to Hashem. Rejoice every moment about how great that can be.

T - TORAH & TEFILA - We know Chazal explain the weapon against the Yeitsa Hora is Torah. Use Torah to focus one’s EYES to see and perceive as a heilig person. The Zohar explains Torah learning helps our tefila. Be aware that our EYES are critical in learning and perceiving. The Nefesh Hachaim says one should see the actual letters and words of tefila and then imagine them moving upwards to Shamyim. Use and enjoy the wonderful GIFT if your eyes.

Every single second one is awake is an opportunity of joy to use your EYES to feel , perceive and attach oneself to Hashem.

The Yetza hora is also your friend. It really wants you to do the right thing and get the highest reward. But it tries to take your GIFT away so that by working more actively to use it for good, your reward will be greater. When the yetzer hora comes, imagine it as nothing more than dirt Or smudge on your glasses. Today many people are seeing the world through the smart phone. We look at the phone that connects us to every aspect of life and then we look up. The WORLD WE SEE IS THEN SMUDGED BY THE IPHONE SCREEN THAT WE JUST SAW. It affects how we see and feel goodness, how we internalise our self worth, how we dream and fantasize about life, and how we connect to Hashem in Torah and Tefila.

We have the tools for clear vision but it takes positive action!

If we develop an appreciation of our GIFTED EYES then we can really be holy and enjoy life today, life with your family, life at work and live a life that is truly fulfilling.