
Wednesday, 29 March 2017

One of my favorite sayings is, "We have to realize and appreciate the s'char for being moser nefesh for the Ribono Shel Olam when dealing with this struggle: that Shomayim will, in turn, be moser nefesh for us."

Recently, I had three days in a row where the going was rough. I really had the urge to act out - and the urge was powerful. I didn't know where it was heading, and I found myself telling over this line about mesirus nefesh. And I realized it was time to practice what I preach. I turned to Hashem and said,"Hashem, you know what I am going through, and I am being moser nefesh for you. Please be "moser nefesh" for me! Please accept from me a korbon, that instead of thinking about d'vorim assurim, I will think of things to thank You for."

And with that train of thought, I continued with my day, with the lust cycle being broken. Shortly after this took place, my daughter was in a massive car accident. The car was completely totaled. She walked out without a scratch! We are not neviim, but it looks like this "coincidence" was really a "kah" (as in the letter yud followed by the letter hay) incidence. (In reality, every coincidence is really a kah incidence). Of course, there will be skeptics who "don't believe in such stories," but I think most will agree that I was zoche to see the Yad Hashem in an incredible way.