Yad Hashem in the Open

"Goodkid1" sent this in:

Sunday, 14 March 2021
Yad Hashem in the Open

Hi. I just wanted to share an unbelievable story that happened to a good friend of mine. We were both struggling mightily in shemiras habris and shemiras einayim and we started a 40 day program to try to give us chizuk. You have to understand that he hadn’t been clean for 40 days in years, and it was unbelievably hard for him. Well, he persevered and ended up making it. Afterwards, he told me that he had made a deal with hashem at the beginning of his streak that he would be good for 40 days and his sister who needed a shidduch would find her zivug. She got engaged on day 40!!! It’s totally insane!!! Yad hashem in the open!! I saw it happen with my own eyes!