GYE private online groups

Monday, 14 March 2022
GYE private online groups

We’re excited to announce the new
GYE private online groups

The highlight of these groups are the private groups feature - special private spaces where you can connect with other members similar to you (based on marital status, age, and type of struggle), who are actively working on reaching freedom.

It’s our hope that this platform will help members work on recovery, get chizuk, share ideas, get feedback, and have meaningful discussions. Also, by keeping each group small, it will be easier for you to get to know the chevrah and find a support partner from someone in the group.

Here are some features and benefits of this new platform:

  • A beautifully designed modern interface
  • Password protected with no public access
  • Each group will have dedicated moderators & mentors
  • Private messaging and groups chats
  • Creating a long-lasting, close-knit Chevra with individuals in the struggle like yourself
  • Special “spaces” to discuss Flight to Freedom topics (each lesson has its own space)
  • Separate groups for working the 12 steps & teens.

If you're interested in joining on of these online groups, please email me at
with replies to the questions below:

Which group would you like to join?

  • Singles 18-21
  • Singles 22-26
  • Married (all ages)
  • 12-steps

Which behaviors do you struggle with?

  • I don't struggle, I'm just curious
  • Shmiras Einayim Only
  • Masturbation (zera levatala) but not Pornography
  • Pornography & Masturbation (and/or phone lines)
  • More than just P&M
  • Other ___________________

How long are you struggling?

  • Less than 1 year
  • 1-2 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 6-10 years
  • 10+ years

At what age did you start struggling?

Looking forward to your replies