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The foundation of all of the Torah

Sunday, 06 May 2012
Part 2/3 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

21. He brings blessing to the Shechinah.

22. He merits pleasure in his service of G-d.

23. HaKadosh Baruch Hu grants him more honor than anyone else.

24. He merits to be spared from the tribulations of Mashiach's coming, and from all kinds of punishments, and he merits to be redeemed.

25. After the redemption, at the time of the great day of judgment, he will be spared.

26. HaKadosh Baruch Hu establishes the world to come for him.

27. He is joined to the Shechinah, and she bears witness for him to save him from all of the accusing angels - during his life and after his death.

28. He merits royalty.

29. He unites HaKadosh Baruch Hu with the Shechinah.

30. He has permission to enter the gate of the Tzaddikim.

31. The Angel of Death has no permission to approach him, and his death comes not at its hands.

32. He merits to experience the holiness of Shabbat.

33. The Name of G-d rests on him.

34. He rescues many souls from Gehinom.

35. He becomes the partner of G-d.

36. He merits the Divine Likeness.

37. He merits to vanquish the four impure klipot.

38. He is inscribed in the highest world.

39. The upper and lower celestial beings tremble before him.

40. The waves and storms of the ocean become calm before him.

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