It Makes No Sense

Levite posted on his thread:

Thursday, 09 February 2012

I'm honored to be here, between people that are striving for tikkun yesod - the foundation of our holy nation! I was thinking yesterday about how much I davened for shmiras habris over the years, and how Hashem really listened to my prayers in the strongest way possible by bringing me to this site!

I'm on day 11, and what can I say? I don't miss lust, I don't feel withdrawal pangs! I just feel gooooood! Free, really free! 'Cuz for once, I've changed my perspective rather than challenging the issue head-on, which obviously is doomed from the onset! MY VERY VIEWS OF DAY-TO-DAY LIFE HAVE CHANGED, especially with the idea of surrendering the lust to Hashem.

I heard an audio-book on the AA Big-Book, and he asks the obvious. How will surrendering my addiction to G-d help me, it should only make it harder!? The answer is, that there is no answer - it just works!*

Just like chasing lust makes no sense, the solution makes no sense. Think about it; you're depressed, had a bad day or bored, so you want to have a few fantasies... make sense?

Holy brothers and sisters, let Hashem do our job! He wants to help us, we just have to let Him! Reb Nachman says that any person who understands the intrinsic holiness and spirituality of a Jew, knows that "sin" has no relationship with a Jew at all; just the opposite; a Jew can't naturally reside in sin!

We shall overcome!