A few great posts from a new warrior!

Levite wrote this a few days after joining the the forum. He is 25 years old, happily married with children and living in Bne-Braq. He was raised in Manchester and has been struggling with lust since the age of 13. He is now a full week clean and I would like to share a few inspiring posts of his, many of them laced with wisdom from Rebbe Nachman.

Thursday, 09 February 2012
  • Last Motzai Shabbos I felt that my life was over unless I read the handbooks, so I read them both through and through (in one sitting, LOL) and they gave me the push to start the journey. So here I am posting on my 5th day! It's just great. Life is so wonderful when lust is out! The world looks and feels and seems like a different and happier world!
  • You know I've been thinking... I quit smoking using the Allen Carr method. I wish someone would modify it for SA! It worked wonders for me, and made it easy right from the beginning. I haven't smoked in almost two years. The main attitude they use there, is to be happy from the first second that you are free!
  • Rabbi Nachman said: "yesh inyan shehakol mishapech letovah" which literally means that there is a way - or maybe even a place in the heavenly spheres - that everything we ever did is for the best! It's a very deep thought which keeps me going... Maybe there is rhyme and reason for our addicted minds?!
  • There is something I remember from Reb Nachman's works. He relates that when he wanted to break the desire of "niuf" (lust) the Yetzer Hara told him, I'll give in to any other fight in your life, just let me win this one battle. And Reb Nachman answered, I'LL GIVE IN TO ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT, BUT THERE IS NO WAY I'M GIVING IN TO THIS BATTLE!"
  • I once heard a novel idea. It says in Chazal that the sages killed the Yetzer Hara of idol worship and they wanted to kill the Yetzer Hara of lust too. They actually managed to tie him up, but the world couldn't take it. The chickens didn't lay eggs, etc. So they had to free the Yetzer Hara. The question is asked, why didn't they kill the Yetzer Hara of theft or the Yetzer Hara of murder as well? I heard once a mashpiah explain that "THERE IS NO OTHER YETZER HARA! ALL CRIMES, IF YOU SEEK DEEPLY YOU WILL FIND THAT THEY ARE ROOTED IN THE YETZER HARA OF LUST!".... So guys, when we are free of lust we've sorted it all out!
  • The Zohar asks, who is the winner in the battle with the Yetzer Hara? The one who has the ammunition in his hand. Asks Reb Nosson of Breslov, this seems strange. How do we know who has won in a real-life war? The side that comes home from battle and puts away their ammo! So why does the Zohar say that in the war with Yetzer Hara, the one holding the ammo in his hand in the winner? Explains Reb Nosson that in this war with the Yetzer Hara, you want to know who has won the war? The one who is still ready to fight again and go into the battlefield even when all seems lost. The one who says, "I don't care, I'm ready to fight again and again". HE'S the one who will win. And not only will he win, but the Zohar says he has ALREADY WON!
  • I was at a wedding on Thursday and I met this guy who told me that he was on Cocaine for one and a half years but he is clean now for 1,078 days. I looked at him with raised eyebrows so he tells me, "listen, tomorrow I have no control over! I wake up in the morning and ask G-d to please give me one more day!" He said it with so much sincerity, I could tell he wasn't just saying it! And I pray too, "Please G-d, give me one more day clean and the strength to go on counting each day as the first day of the rest of my life free of this addiction".