GYE Filter Page

Saturday, 30 July 2011

In the coming months, GYE will have an advanced filter division with many new features. See our prevention website for updates.

Meanwhile, here is some important info that can help you get started:

1) For help from our Technician Team with installing filters, click here to use our online "Help-Desk" system to send your request for help.

You can also call our hotline and leave a message for a computer technician to call you back, free of charge. Call 646-600-8100, Ext 1 for Prevention, then Ext 1 again for help with filters.

2) Our filter Technicians can help you install web filters on your computers.

See this page for instructions for K9 filter. They can send you a K9 license, and hold the password and you will feel safe. If you need changes made to the filter, they can do it for you using remote accessing software. You can also contact us for general help and questions about filters.

3) We currently have a few computer technicians who are available for the GYE community to help anyone install filters or purchase Kosher-phones. If they live in your area they will even come down to your house to help you set up your filter! They can also be contacted to help you decide which filter is best for you, or what Kosher-phones are available. Please see here for a list of availble technicians in your erea.

4) Since no filters are fool-proof, it is vital to have reporting software installed as well to give us the added “accountability” factor that is so important in these areas. We recommend either or eBlaster from Spectorsoft.

One day we hope to have volunteers in every Jewish community in the world! If you have experience with filters and want to be a volunteer to help Klal Yisrael, please let us know.