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One Day At A Time - What does it really mean?
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TOPIC: One Day At A Time - What does it really mean? 6812 Views

Re: One Day At A Time - What does it really mean? 29 May 2016 14:22 #289166

  • stillgoing
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Well, i certainly don't inderstand it well, but can one day at a time be summed up by the following?
Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)


Re: One Day At A Time - What does it really mean? 21 Jul 2019 16:19 #342451

  • stillgoing
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Dov in an email wrote:
re 'one day at a time'...I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that GYE et al typically take that to mean, "Be encouraged! If you see that you can hold your breath for 1 minute, then obviously you can hold your breath for another 1 minute, for it's the same 1 minute, right? And you'll just do that simple formula for the rest of your life (translation: if you held back and put off masturbation and porn pleasure for the whole day yesterday and survived, then obviously you can do that again just for today, for it's the same 24 hours!)A little absurd, no? I don't know anybody who can hold their breath for 2 whole minutes. Hence, lots of disillusioned and frustrated good people are walking around blaming themselves for 'falling' again.But in my travels so far, I've learned 2 ways to understand and use the 'one day at a time' idea, and both are dramatically different than that:1- My experiencing today, has practically nothing to do with yesterday. Because yesterday is over. And the same thing goes for the future that is not here yet. (Actual planning for the future, and serious assessment of my past behavior, are of course today's business and today's business only. Nearly all emotionally-compromised people make do something very different than planning for future responsibilities and assessment of the past: they live today as if they are in and re-experiencing the past or in and re-experiencing the future. That makes living right today practically impossible. That's what paralyzing guilt and fear are: not living in the present. Unhealthy Guilt is emotionally living in the past and pretending in our hearts that it's still going on - and unhealthy Fear is emotionally living in the future and pretending that we are facing it as we are now.)So living one day at a time just means living in reality and thereby remaining free to be busy doing only today's job today and tomorrow's job  tomorrow. It's about not getting distracted by our bulls***. How often are we dragged down by the past and the future. Learning from the past is entirely different than being pulled down by it, and planning for the future is entirely different than being paralyzed by it. The only way I know to be free of that is by surrendering the past and surrendering the future, no matter how tightly I want to hold on to them. Yep, I and others have spent decades holding on to the past and the future because the present is scary, annoying, or boring. And on the way, I ended up on a 20 year journey trying to go where no man has gone before! ...which brings me to:How does that relate to living sober? Well, it's certainly not a funny mind game of pretending that tomorrow doesn't exist or that yesterday never happened and it's certainly not about tricking myself that 'if I can hold my breath today I can hold my breath another day, too'. (I've seen both of those frequently on guard your eyes and from very well-intended motivational Rebbis)I think the main way that living one day at a time also helps people stay sober is that unnecessary pressures cease to exist for us when we accept G-d's Will and live out the day that he has prepared for us. As we Jews said today in hallel: "This is the day G-d has made for us, let's enjoy it." (Accepting it comes first and only after that can someone really start enjoying it.)In the same way, the 12 Steps mention nothing about self-control techniques anywhere. Instead they are completely focused on living a life that's real and acceptable by reducing the nonsense we get ourselves mixed up with.2- I can't recall the second way, right now. Oops.Dov
Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)


Re: One Day At A Time - What does it really mean? 25 Feb 2022 16:26 #377870

  • stillgoing
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stillgoing wrote on 11 May 2016 22:05:

From a group email

SG "If today I am feeling lustful, and I have not set up a long term plan.. then why would I Want to stay clean 'just for today' . Today, I want to act out. Tomorrow I'll be clean.

CORDNOY: Go right ahead

SG: Slicha, I don't understand your response.

CORDNOY: The answer is that if you wanna act out today, go right ahead.

I wanna as well, but I know that I can't afford to.

SG: Why can't you afford to? Its just one day?

CORDNOY: Several reasons, but the practical one is that one day will turn into many.

Besides that, I experienced liberation, and slavery - not even for one day, does not interest me at all.

SG: To your first line, the practical answer is that if you are worried that one will turn into many, then you are taking tomorrow into consideration.

and for the second line, are you saying that you don't have times anymore that you are at a risk of giving in? That's pretty cool. Halivay by me.

CORDNOY: 1 it is today's decision.
2 I can lust and there is risk. The thought of slavery helps me today.

SG: To both, of course we are making the decision today, but it seem like you are taking the rest of your life into consideration while making that decision.
I thought that odaat is about only making the Commitment for today, but it seems to me that the Motivation still needs to take the rest of our life into consideration.

DOV: Rather, it is very different, as I tried to express during the call today. Did you hear that part, or should I review it? Whatever you want, man.

OK Everybody, I’m all out of ideas. Is odaat a really simple concept and im just missing the sail boat, or can a little more clarification here help everyone.

Free Choice?!
Yirai's Memories

Dr. Seuss - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.

FSKOT! (Fell Shmell--Keep on Trucking) (The Rebba R' Bards)

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