Guy's I wish I had time to read everyone's posts. Lately I have become so overwhelmed with responsibilites, we are working on so many new things at once.
For example, I just hired a guy in India to do data-entry on our site, to put in all the daily chizuk e-mails, peice by peice into the proper catagories.
We are working on developing chat-rooms for this forum which will make the forum DOUBLE as fun and beneficial.
I've also been dealing with a lot of the slack from the separation, etc...
The bottom line is, the "Married Guys" forum shouldn't bother anyone that is not married for the simple reason that they anyway can't see it, so they won't feel they are missing out. It's a place where married guys can talk about things like how frustrating the Niddah period is for them, or how hard it is when he's in the mood and she's not, etc... These are things that don't belong in full view of everyone, it's simply not noge'ah.
I would like to ask the married's to use that board ONLY for those type of discussions, and not start hanging out there, because we need you guys on the MAIN forum boards where everyone can benefit from the exchanges of regular chizuk.
I also created today a new board for "Spouses of Addicts", which again should not bother anyone, since they simply won't see it unless we have confirmed they are the spouse of an addict ;D