pintele.Jew wrote on 23 Feb 2010 04:51:
Well, its been a few months since I posted here, and things have been all down hill. I keep messing up, and theres no end in sight. Heres the problem. I have a VERY good relationship with my wife. We get along so well, and I cant bear to think of damaging the relationship we have. And because I am somewhat in control in that I dont do it every day, but just on occasion, I dont think its bad enough for me to go to therapy or anything. I think the Accountability software from would be very effective, if I could get a good partner to keep my accountable, and I am soo scared of having it be my wife. Any advice?
Hey PY,
Welcome back to the forum. You may have noticed some different things going on in the forum and the website since your last visit here. GYE is growing baruch Hashem. With regards to the issue at hand, I would say the problem is more than you just needing a good accountability partner. If the problem persists, its probably us whso doing something wrong and not our computers. If you want advice on a good accountability partner how about a Rabbi. If you think thats too risky then maybe you dont really think that accountability software is thr answer to your problems as many of us have found.
Well either way I wish you much Hatzlocha and hope you continue to stay on board here on GYE even when Beezras hashem things are going well.