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ToAdd A journal
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: ToAdd A journal 14980 Views

Re: ToAdd A journal 14 Jan 2011 06:02 #93259

  • bardichev
Keep on truckinism

Teaches us that it is not important to delve about the past

Actually that doing that is driving in reverse

Yes look in the rear view mirror

But but keep the truck in drive!!

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Re: ToAdd A journal 14 Jan 2011 08:54 #93269

  • Eye.nonymous
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ToAdd, how are you doing?

It helps not to dwell on things.  Try to just get involved with something.  Try to be helpful in some way to someone.

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Re: ToAdd A journal 14 Jan 2011 11:07 #93277

  • ToAdd
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I'm doing okay now, thanks guys.
Don't think about the Green Elephant!

I submerged myself in work and it took my mind off things.
I hate big projects, far nicer to be helping others with small things (like I just did) and get positive feedback that keeps you going. Things that can be completed, people happy.

Wow, it's only lunch time.
Back to my big, lonely projet...
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Re: ToAdd A journal 17 Jan 2011 05:41 #93443

  • ToAdd
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Friday night, the Y"H continued his attack.
I had a dream that was so real, I really thought I fell, but when I woke in the morning, I hadn't. I didn't even think I was dreaming.
My wife had a dream - we went to the beach and found two dogs that were very friendly, they had tags. We were going to get them back to their owners but kept on making excuises not to.
My guess would be that the dogs represent my lust and I wasn't willing to let go of it.

On Saturday night, when the Y"H dropped his fight, I just fell back into my old ways and watched something on tv that I shouldn't have. Sorry to get political, but it's like the terrorist groups that have a foothold in Gaza and now it's almost impossible to flush them out.
I guess the other issues were easier to overcome because they're newer problems. This one has been with me for a very long time. What I need to do is put a reminder there, so that when I'm not thinking clearly I will see it.

Sunday was good, Now to deal with Monday.
If I stick to this site only and my work, I should be fine.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 17 Jan 2011 20:26 #93529

  • Eye.nonymous
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ToAdd wrote on 14 Jan 2011 11:07:

Don't think about the Green Elephant!

Didn't that elephant used to be pink?

I guess I forgot.

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Re: ToAdd A journal 18 Jan 2011 07:17 #93594

  • ToAdd
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I don't know, I managed not to look.
Currently going strong. It looks like my strategy for Mondays worked.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 19 Jan 2011 08:44 #93702

  • ToAdd
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Last night wasn't too good.
So this is what avoida zora must have been like 3 thousand years ago.
You sit infront of something you know is not real and you do its bidding.
How stupid that must look. Perhaps I should put a mirror in the room where the computer is.

I think I must get a fun computer game, something to do instead, if I do happen to find myself there.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 20 Jan 2011 11:54 #93848

  • ToAdd
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Currently going strong.
I'm going on holiday for a week.
No computers, no TV.
The next time I post, it's going to read "10 days strong!" bli neder

Chag Sameach
Good Shabbos x2
See y'all the week after next.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 21 Jan 2011 08:18 #94005

  • Eye.nonymous
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Good luck.

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Re: ToAdd A journal 31 Jan 2011 06:13 #95022

  • ToAdd
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I'm back from holiday.
I was wrong about there being no tvs.
Not only were there tvs, but a whole bunch of extra channels that I don't have at home.
I did not manage to last without watching with intent to lust.

I'm back at work, my wife starts work again tomorrow, so we're back into a routine.
Back onto the truck, first gear, lets get moving.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 31 Jan 2011 16:02 #95060

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Oh well....     

At least, Welcome Back!!!!    :D
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Re: ToAdd A journal 02 Feb 2011 08:19 #95380

  • ToAdd
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The start of a new clean streak.

Live the solution, not the problem.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 02 Feb 2011 15:41 #95400

  • ZemirosShabbos
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hi Toadd,
it's great to have you back!
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
Last Edit: 02 Feb 2011 15:46 by .

Re: ToAdd A journal 03 Feb 2011 08:38 #95594

  • ToAdd
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Great to be back.

Battling to focus at work - and that's not a good thing.
I guess I've lost touch with the rewards of doing my job.

What I guess is happening, is that rather than just filtering out the bad stuff, I'm shutting down my vision entirely. I jump from one extreme to the other.

I'm sure I said this somewhere before - I need to learn to use my imagination for good things, rather than just turning it off.

Okay, focus. Picture a reward for completing this project.
Then, write down the steps needed to get there.
Focus on one small task at a time...
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Re: ToAdd A journal 04 Feb 2011 06:05 #95750

  • ToAdd
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 404
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Still battling to focus
My wandering mind is heading in a bad direction
I haven't slept well this entire week
I'm worried.
I can not fix problems on the other side of the world, or in someone else's mind
I can only fix my own problems

Hey, I've added another 100% clean day to my tally, even with all this
Just need to keep it up
Tonight, Shabbos
It's Rosh Chodesh - a clean Rosh Chodesh will help the entire month

First, some food, then bury myself in work, that should do it.

Gut Shabbos and Chodesh Tov!
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