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ToAdd A journal
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: ToAdd A journal 14975 Views

Re: ToAdd A journal 04 Oct 2011 22:05 #121057

  • Dov
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You mentioned tornadoes, that's all....
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: ToAdd A journal 05 Oct 2011 05:50 #121089

  • ToAdd
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Research showed me that tornadoes are actually quite common here.
Who would have guessed?
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Re: ToAdd A journal 06 Oct 2011 07:21 #121254

  • ToAdd
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I feel like I'm back to my normal self.
Be vigilant Yosef - It's when you stand tall that you can fall the hardest.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 10 Oct 2011 08:39 #121566

  • ToAdd
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Day 23
I am feeling pretty odd. Not sure how to describe it...
Disconnected, on one hand wanting to connect, yet wanting to be left alone
I should be happy, but somehow I'm not.

Had a strange dream a few days ago that I shook off when I had it, but an interpretation has come to me.
I pray the interpretation is not correct and it was merely my imagination going astray now that I have been depriving it of its usual subject.
In the dream there were these creatures, like big dogs / pigs, evil looking things.
I went into their lair where the main one lay, wounded, bound.
The others were licking it, healing it, preparing it. The look in its eyes was that it was waiting to be released back into the world.
This soul was ready to bring hell into this world, war, holocaust. There was a single purpose for it, and no mercy.
I wanted to kill it, to drive a stake through its heart, but I awoke.

Please Hashem, I have dreamed a dream that requires healing.
Save your beloved nation from those that wish to harm us.
If this dream is about me only (as I hope to you that it is), please assist me in dealing with whatever comes my way.
Remove whatever evil is inside or around me that I may come closer to you without being preoccupied.
Shield me and my family from any evil beings that I myself have created through my actions.

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Re: ToAdd A journal 10 Oct 2011 16:47 #121631

  • Dov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1960
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Have a cup of decaf cofee and calm down.


"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: ToAdd A journal 12 Oct 2011 10:17 #121873

  • ToAdd
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*hugs all round*
I need a drink that has neither coffee nor caffeine.
I've given up cocacola (again). A bit grumpy from that.

Maybe my dream was about the prisoner swap. It makes sense. Monsters waiting to be released.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 14 Oct 2011 07:45 #121925

  • yehoshua1
  • Current streak: 1957 days
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Perhaps your monster is my monster. Baruch Hashem, we are Hashem's soldiers, soldiers of the light. You shouldn't run away from the monster and you don't have to. Your Name is Yosef, just like Joseph, the son of Yaakov. Joseph is an Iwri, he is not of this world, but he is in this world - just like us. Just like Joseph's, our small words, small steps, small actions are healing Pharao and rescue the whole nation, the whole world.

Have a great Shabbes!
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Re: ToAdd A journal 20 Oct 2011 06:52 #122176

  • yehoshua1
  • Current streak: 1957 days
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How are you doing?
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Re: ToAdd A journal 26 Oct 2011 07:25 #122751

  • ToAdd
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I have been on a tumble this week.
It's been a bit of a rollercoaster.
I feel like going back to that stuff again and if that feeling's there this early in the morning, if I can not shake it, I will fall.
I will try check in every time I have an urge.

I don't even know what I'm running from now. perhaps it's just all the noise around me - lots of construction going on. That's probably adding to the stress and decreasing productivity which increases stress too, which makes me want to flee to that other world.
I was going to say "to MY other world" but I disown it.
Other world - you are not a safe place for me. you are not a good place for me. You are not real. I do not own you and you have no ownership of me. You have no power over me.

Infantry - to the Light!
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Re: ToAdd A journal 26 Oct 2011 09:16 #122766

  • Jackabbey
  • Current streak: 3 days
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run a mile from that
jump in your truck
cunstroction shmuction, no excusses
dont dive into hell because there is noise in the eden
stay here with me i need your freindship
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Re: ToAdd A journal 27 Oct 2011 05:23 #122985

  • ToAdd
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Survived the day and remained clean.
Please Hashem, one more day.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 27 Oct 2011 11:56 #123004

  • Jackabbey
  • Current streak: 3 days
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why dont you make some noise to fear off the y"h
lets start feiffing
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Re: ToAdd A journal 28 Oct 2011 07:30 #123154

  • ToAdd
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I'll make a quiet noise on the forum.

Go away mr YH, I'm busy.
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Re: ToAdd A journal 28 Oct 2011 08:17 #123157

  • Jackabbey
  • Current streak: 3 days
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make loud banging smashing knocking noise over db150
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Re: ToAdd A journal 31 Oct 2011 08:34 #123437

  • ToAdd
  • Platinum Boarder
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That may actually be quite theaputic.
Running out the building to the side of the road and yelling out into the traffic -
Yelling on a forum just isn't the same.
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