chaim77 wrote on 15 Nov 2010 15:41:
One of my friends held a shalom zachor this shabbos and there were l'chaims going around. As I imbibed, I became aware of wanting to turn something off inside me with the schnapps. It was unsettling and now I am very concerned about myself viz a viz self-medicating in other ways such as alcohol and food.
You've hit a nail on my head with this.
As I work past the physical urgency of this work on GYE and into the work that's hiding underneath, I'm starting to question my relationship with other forms of escape-ism. I love to eat a certain type of cuisine, and even use it as reward to finish work I hate or as comfort when I don't know how to get "out" of being "down." This obsession, this "putting power into the hands of mere food," might be an addiction in some peoples' definition of that term. What do I do with that thought?
And it's not just food. I might grab a drink (a single drink, once a week-ish) as a signal to loosen up. I might post on GYE as a way to gain some calm and perspective. I could go on and on.
So, am I addicted? Do I have an unhealthy relationship with food, with drink, with GYE, with dozens of other things? Am I simply an addiction-prone personality? I DON'T THINK SO. I think the standard here, for me, has got to be two-fold. One is, as R'Twerski says, "could I just give it up, and will I." The other standard is, is this making my life better or worse (and be brutally honest with this one). I just don't see the problem, other than a coupla extra pounds from the food. I briefly smoked as a kid and quit -- I couldn't stomach the idea of holding on to an addiction.
I don't care much about semantics -- addicted, obsessed, connoiseur, whatever. I do look at what it's doing in my life. And so perhaps I could translate my own thoughts into your post and believe that the issue isn't drinking so much as the issues that come out when you're drinking. Those issues are still there when you're sober. Are you gonna deal with THEM?!
I'm not sure if this relates, and I for darned sure don't suggest that my 'stuff' is relevant to yours. I'm just sharing me, for whatever it's worth. Hatzlacha.