I wanted to let the chevra know about a service that is available that has helped me a lot in my recovery. Hazelden.org which is a publishing house for addiction and recovery literature posts a thought for the day. Anyone who has gone to live SA, SAA or other meetings has no doubt seen Habelden's daily meditations books around the tables.
Anyway, they have a "thought for the day" that they post on their website and they also have a subscription service that will e-mail you a thought for the day every morning. I've benefited a lot from these daily thoughts and wanted to throw it out there for anyone else that was interested.
Here's the link
www.hazelden.org/web/public/thought.view Other than that, I woke up this morning a bit agitated but after davening I am feeling much calmer. I know that I have a lot of underlying anxiety about my business and also selling our house. But really the anxiety is a reaction to my uncertainty in the situation. Since I don't know how either situation will turn out, it can really cause me to get wrapped around the axle. The fact is this - Hashem is in charge and the right outcome will happen in both situations. This is certain - it may be unknown to me, but it is certain. So really my anxiety shows a deficiency in Emunah and Bitachon.
Anyway it's good to check in before my RID levels start to rise any higher.