HS! I just read through ur entire thread now, and I'm inspired by how much courage u have to fight that battle, I didn't have that strength @ ur age, ur devotion to hashem is incredible , remember the reward is. Based on the pain it takes to overcome, just remember 1 day at a time, this is what all sfurim stress out very much when it comes to a battle with our famous monster the ugly YH, remember he does his job, and u will tell him, hey bro how r u? Sorry but my job is to compete with u, and I aint speaking with u, go get a life, and if a full day is too much just go hour by hour, and u feel an urge, just close ur eyes and start crying to hashem to help u, believe me crying helps I do that quite often these days, I find it a very healthy outlet, so keep up ur guard and let us know how u r doing and we will all be here for u
Good night my holy jewish brother