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Installed's Thread
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Installed's Thread 7607 Views

Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 04 Nov 2010 19:11 #83019

  • bardichev
welcome back

and keep on truckin!!!!!!!
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 08 Nov 2010 09:40 #83401

  • installed
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Grrr.... just fell. I was hoping for a perfectly clean Kislev but I blew it  :o. I hope to stay clean for the rest of Kislev. I'll just move on and won't look back for the time being...

Kedusha, I definitely hear you but I think that it would be too much to give up right now. I will install k9 now as I don't have the discipline yet.

Chodesh tov.
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 08 Nov 2010 13:38 #83417

  • jewinpain
  • Current streak: 795 days
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Hey fellow yid, don't panic about losing chodesh kislav cuz yesterday u fell, chodesh kislav is 30 days and u can still be clean for the rest of the month, 1 day fell, np will deal with that l8r, tell the YH to go get a life and he won't turn u down by trying to make nice suggestions as it needs to be a complete month, just make sure u install the filter 2day so u can really be installed:)
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 08 Nov 2010 18:39 #83490

  • installed
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Hey JIP,

Thanks for the encouragement. I installed the K9 software but it is limiting so I may need to disturb the password gabbai and make some changes. Other than that, things are good  8).

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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 08 Nov 2010 18:44 #83492

  • bardichev
installed wrote on 08 Nov 2010 09:40:

Grrr.... just fell. I was hoping for a perfectly clean Kislev but I blew it  :o. I hope to stay clean for the rest of Kislev. I'll just move on and won't look back for the time being...

Kedusha, I definitely hear you but I think that it would be too much to give up right now. I will install k9 now as I don't have the discipline yet.

Chodesh tov.

blew what??

keep on trucking

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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 08 Nov 2010 19:35 #83508

  • jewinpain
  • Current streak: 795 days
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Hey dear brother, feel free to buzz anytime u feel I can help, K9 is a good start, keep up ur positive attitude
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 09 Nov 2010 09:36 #83685

  • installed
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I made some minor changes to my K9 settings because it was blocking legitimate pages. It's currently working like a charm. I know that this will not stop me but it will give me time to call out for help from a partner/sponsor. I will try the TaPhSiC Method http://www.guardyoureyes.org/?p=2451 and will see if it works. I'm debating between fasting or paying a sum of money if I fall...

I hope this will work!!!

P.S JIP and Bardichev, thanks for dropping by...
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 09 Nov 2010 12:15 #83699

  • frumfiend
Fasting is very dangerous for an addict.
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 09 Nov 2010 13:49 #83710

  • installed
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 09 Nov 2010 14:41 #83721

  • frumfiend
The white books describes hunger as a lust trigger. When a person is hungry he goes looking for other things. There are addicts that based on a ravs psak dont fast except tb yom kipur.
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 10 Nov 2010 11:19 #83971

  • installed
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Funny but I never felt that there was a positive correlation between fasting and lust but I'll take your word for it and will start with a knas for this week. I generally feel like I'm on track again  ;D.

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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 11 Nov 2010 11:36 #84210

  • installed
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Day 3 and I'm on the chart now  8). Had a very easy time keeping clean yesterday. Lets hope that today will be as easy. Will be contacting my partner today so things are looking good. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 11 Nov 2010 20:41 #84393

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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If I don't keep my blood sugar in limits, I could get [thoughtless] enough to do almost anything. And no, I'm not diabetic or anything. I'm just sensitive to knowing when my body is craving 'something' and not always aware that the craving could & should be satisfied with FOOD.
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 11 Nov 2010 21:24 #84428

  • installed
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Yea, I know people that have a hard time with fasting or skipping a meal but I can eat non stop or starve/skip a meal or two and it doesn't really bother me. I know someone like you (that is very sensitive to blood sugar) and he went on the Glycemic Index diet and it did him wonders. 
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Re: Installed's 2nd attempt ;-). 13 Nov 2010 19:41 #84684

  • installed
  • Platinum Boarder
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I had a very easy shabbos (barely any nisyonot)  8). I started reading The Garden of Emunah (I read 1/3 of the book). I'm having a hard time accepting alot of the stuff there but things may become more clear as I progress with the book (will continue reading next shabbos). Looking forward to start a new week. Oh, I also got a new partner (we spoke on the phone) and I'm very happy about that. Things are looking good bh.

Hope you all have a gut voch!!
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