Briut, this is an inspired post. You gave me a kick in the pants when I needed it, spot on chizuk, and love, love, love [this is NOT the indigent goys*[size=8pt]see below[/size]. Isn't it some R&B group? Moishe and the Vandals, I think]
There is no adequate thanking you. I'd been muddling around in "I've wasted my life", and completely forgot about TODAY. Just for today. You know, "1daat". Number one daat. And I plumb faggadaboudit. Once again you caught me. Thanks bro.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
Look, I've got the same emotional challenges. And there is "sorrow and regret and pain." But there's also hope and re-invention and growth and a fresh start every day.
I keep forgetting this one day at a time stuff.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
I hate giving personal advice to a virtual colleague,
Who better
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
Grab yourself a "light box"
Ordered it about an hour ago.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
and focus on how much MORE mountain you can climb every day
There's that one day at a time stuff again.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
compared to those already a little closer to fine (Indigo Girls)
To paraphrase somebody else, "Uh, what's a ben Torah doing with the Indigo Girls?" Who are the Indigo girls? Is this somebody I should know about? Descendants of Beruria maybe?
1daat wrote on 21 Nov 2010 08:24:
Yep. end of the day, emunah's all we got. But while the "past is locked", it doesn't hurt to take a good long look.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
Well, actually, sometimes it CAN hurt. A LOT!! And I don't think He made ANYone michuyev to look any longer than we can.
How 'bout "any longer than is
useful"?...maybe to look long enough to learn something, to grow a little, and not to wallow around in it.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
Masochists are not appreciated Upstairs.
Nope. I disagree. I can tell you first hand, Hashem loves masochists too.
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
GIVING is probably the BEST route out of sadness for most of us here.
NTS: Briut suggests a little chesed could help with the sadness IDEAS FOR ACTS OF CHESED
Offer to run an errand for a friend
Cheerfully greet someone
Bake an unexpected treat for a friend
Remember someone's birthday
Call someone going thru a difficult time
Leave a friendly note for a family member
Listen patiently to others
Clean up after dinner without being asked
Call someone who lives alone
Greet everyone you see with a smile
Introduce yourself to someone
Apologize for something you've done
Take out the garbage without being asked
Give someone an unexpected compliment
Spend time with a child with a disability
Help strangers in shul feel welcome
Take an elderly person shopping
Pay attention to what people are saying
Spend quality time with family & friends
Call or visit someone who is sick
Cook a meal for a person in need
Visit someone who may be lonely
Call someone you haven't spoken to in a while
Say thanks - no matter how small the deed
Help a child with his / her homework
Compliment someone who helps you
Give someone an encouraging note
When asked to do something, respond right away
in a cheerful and willing manner
Drive someone to the doctor
Help out family members even if you're busy
Help someone find a job
Buy a gift for a loved one for no reason
Greet everyone with a pleasant "good morning"
Write a letter to an elderly person
Take a neighbor's garbage cans in from the curb
Call someone who recently lost a loved one
Congratulate siblings on recent accomplishments
Briut wrote on 21 Nov 2010 14:11:
Stick with this. There is beauty beyond description on the other side of this resolution. And you're on your way.
I love you too. I'm moved and humbled by your caring. Thanks again. Alle brochos. Parnasoh, shalom bayis, d'vekus Hashem, simchasimchasimcha, and lechaims to 120. You still d'man Doc 8)