Dear Philpher -
1- On the benefit of posting: you yourself answered it when you wrote "sufferring in silence" is no good. "we are only as sick as our secrets" is a big motto in 12step circles. think about it, cuz it is a very different nekudah that you are bringing up. You are talking about the pain, not feeling as bad when you share about it, no? AA is referring to the long term solution we grab hold of when we get the insides OUT. Theirs is a message of hope while sharing "to get it off my chest" can be part of my typical efforts to feel better right now - which is the basis of addictive behavior, too. Don't get me wrong, I want to feel good now too - and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. But it is not the end-all and be-all of life and it certainly has nothing to do with recovery (or yiddishkeit), particularly in the beginning (what you'd call the "teshuvah" phase). Again, certainly being besimcha is a yesod of yiddishkeit (and as AAs say "if you are sad all the time you are not working the steps right") but nowhere do we see any Torah source saying "if it feels good do it", and "if it is hard, or painful, then it avoid it!". Rather, we see things like lefum tzaara agra, etc.... get me? Life and certainly living right, is not all about feeling better right now. It is about being fulfilled. The "feeling good" comes memeila - cu if it's our goal, forget it. remember, you and me did all our acting out to feel good, right? We addict-types obviously have no clue (functionally speaking) about what really makes us happy in life.
2- On the YH being our friend: Look, I was frum before and I'm frum now. But it is clear to me that my relationship w/Hashem was not personal and not real to ME before sobriety. All addicts who recover through AA feel the same way, it seems. So, I say w/o what you call "the YH" - I call it "our addiction" - I obviously would not have had a true relationship w/Hashem. This was because I did not percieve that I needed Him. Period. In this respect, the addiction is our friend. Who needs Hashem when they think they are OK? Make sense? Let me know....
Love and respect to you, a man who is really trying to do the right thing (now how many of those are there??!)