Somebody kind enough to read through my thread has sent me a personal message to which I replied. I think that the details of the message may be worthwhile to post - so here we go (I had asked the relevant person for comments on that which had already been posted):
Yes I've read that but it only tells me how you're doing now. What's your background (Chassidish, Yeshivish, Modern...), did you have a difficult childhood, what other problems are you dealing with? You say that lust seems to be a secondary issue although it's clearly important to address. What are the primary issues? What kind of support system do you have? A Rov/Rebbi? Therapist? How long have you had a problem with lust? What have you tried? What has worked or not worked for you? Has lust made your life unmanageable?
Thanks for the response, here is a list of answers:
1)Background, originally modern, now in yeshiva/kollel for 8 years (although actually chassidish in further background)
2)Childhood, relatively easy, mother a bit Victorian and had too much pride in the wrong things
3)Primary issues - wife with innumerable concerns, dating from an impossible childhood, horrendous schooling, financial threats, poor health
4)Support system: very close to Rosh Yeshiva (world renowned blah blah blah... but he knows what he is doing), also some friends, but difficult to speak to them(the friends) about things that they can't appreciate (see the above primary concerns) and impossible for me to relate the secondary concerns.
5)Problem with lust for almost 10 years. Reaching the 10th anniversary soon actually.
6/7)So far activity within the context of the forum has been the only successful antidote. Everything else has been general defiance/suppression/ignoring-the-problem methods with zero long term effect.
8)Unmanageability of my life is from other things - however having a handle on the lusting is proving to release enough energy which ca be more profitably used elsewhere.
Thanks once again for your questions - just putting down the answers into written form is a tremendous form of clarification.
I am going to post this email on my thread I think. A problem shared is a problem halved, (imagine if it were shared with hundreds of sympathetic friends....)